Eli Tellor
10 years ago

Hey guys and gals!

Sorry it's been so long since I have sent anything such as a message etc . Somehow this account got ignored and I'm deeply sorry. Thanks for listening to my music. Recently I performed at the Ryman auditorium in the finals for the Colgate Countty Showdown. Although I didn't win it was a great honor and thrill to stand where countless legends have stood and performed. The show should be airing sometime In March ir April on CMT and I would guess possibly some other shows. I hope you get to watch it. Leann Rines was a wonderful host and made us all feel so welcome as well as did everyone else involved. I made a lot of new fans and contacts while there and I'm hoping to see some good things ahead. You can find me on FACEBOOK at Eli Tellor Music, or Eli Tellor Road to the Ryman or #teamtellor. . Hope to see you all at a show someday and keep listening and commenting. God bless!





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