Hello everyone I want to thank you for your support . Subscribing my music means a lot too me. To write a song is a beautiful thing as an artist. But to have Fans too listen and complement Support your career is a blessing. I Really LOVE singing & Preforming & creating new music for your listening ear's. My Goal is to bring out the Essence of each lyric With love Compassion. So my fan's can feel and see my vision. So they can get to know me as an artist. One song at a time. My New Cd( I'm So Satisfied) is on Itunes Right now . It would be greatly appreciated if you can Pick up a copy and tell your friends about me. I have a single on Cd Baby Call( I'm Just a Man ) On the Incredible Jazz R&B Cd Richard Tucker Smooth guitar Grooves Volume 6. Artist Elston Davis /Elston'e. Go to facebook Like my page / Twitter @elstonsmoothrnb. Reverbnation. Support your Independent artist Your Boy Elston'e