A Jealous Fan - by Erik Careswell (FREE DOWNLOAD!)

A Road Less Travelled

Song Reviews

An amazing song by someone that knows what he is doing!


I love that he sends a reminder, to keep in mind everything is produced at his home studio by himself. It shows that many today can create amazing sounding music by themselves at home. I wish there was something to point out or to suggest, this song is pretty near perfect. It really comes down to preferences. I would like heavier bass and drum tracks, but I am a bass player by heart. The tracks sound good, would just like them more dominate in the mix, again this is just a personal preference. All his tracks are tight and worth a listen to, might learn something!! This song has been stuck in mind for weeks now!

United States, Idaho, Pocatello

A Jealous Fan by Erik Careswell


Power pop a la Blink 182 mixed with a dose of heavier rock. For a home recording the track is well produced. Some nice guitar work and synth effects add value to this well structured song that at 3 minutes 34 seconds is the perfect length. A great effort the track has a catchy hook and a great rhythm.

United States, New York, New York

review of 'A Jealous Fan'

a punky, rock but at the same time pop track with a catchy verse. Sounds something like a mix between the band 'Midnight Oil' with a same flat but punchy vocal style with a bit of Billy Idol. It has a garage feel to the recording, especially of the guitars, the vocals are recorded well though. Good production and mix as well as a good use of sounds and effects keep it interesting throughout. I could listen to this, a good track...would like to hear more.

Italy, Calcinaia

Yes it rocks!


Hello Eric, this song is rocking, it goes directly forward and has the necessary dirt in itself to go off correctly. Very nice and dynamic, and your voice fits very well and sits also in the quiet places. I like the song very much! Best wishes and rock on...

Germany, Berlin

Upbeat punk

This song has a nice punky quality to it that I like. However, the intro vocals come off a bit harsh and might turn off listeners before they bother to listen to the rest. I like the song once the instruments come in and the vocals soften a bit. Your vocal tone is better that way. Once the chorus begins, bring up the guitar and the whole band to give that part a more dynamic quality, then resort to the softer tone as you go back to the verse. Bring up the synth in the lead too. Otherwise, this is a neat song.

United States, Arkansas, Hillsberry

Great composition!


This is a really well put together song! Love the writing, musical changes, and the lyrics. It really is a great composition. I think you mentioned that this was recorded at home? Had the vocals not had that distinctive home studio sound, I would have had a hard time telling. I would move your microphone to another location. Maybe change mic's, pad the corners/walls with isolation foam, and look into a higher quality mic Pre-amp and you will be popping out impeccable quality material. The bottom line here? The song writing is on point, the recording quality is excellent, and the instrumentation is solid! Great work! Look forward to more!

United States, California, Los Angeles


Good intro, great harmony. Good hook and now a brief change that I like and then quickly back to hook. Lyrics are well written. Understood it was recorded at home but I imagine the instruments bigger and louder and this song rocks! Arrangement is repetitive but it works for this song and does not get boring. Bet this song would sound great live and had good energy to get the crowd going

United States, New Hampshire, Salem

Has potential!


Liked the structure, lotsa stuff goin on! Great cruisin' song. Would liked to be able to hear what you were sayin when the music came down. I'm a word guy so THEY MATTER to me and lots of other folks. Music was great Just couldn't hear some of it that well fix that and I think you have something good here.

United States, Iowa, State Center

Good craftsmanship


Considering the fact that it's a pure home recording. the quality is surprisingly good. Especially the drum sound, often the weakest part in this kind of takes, sounds powerful. I haven't figured out any instrumental mistakes, and there are some interesting gimmicks in this song, starting with the unusual intro. Only thing I'd like t mention is that the song as such doesn't have much more than this one riff. The only part that differs a bit is the short "break" at the end of the chorus. 95% of the song, however, is just the four chords. I would have appreciated at least one part that stands out a bit, being sort of a bridge or a modulation of the riff into a different tune.

Germany, Schweinfurt

Angry and jealous


Its Catchy, Angry, Straight Forward and Honest. It makes me jealous just listening to it.lol I'm asking myself why didn't think of this.lol. Erik Careswell Well done for writing a killer song!!!

United States, Tennessee, Kingsport

Hi guy

I like it !!!!! hat's right, maybe the term indie is not the correct one. It is important only to direct the trend. But sound is this, always looking for something that you really believe in.Hugs hugs

Brazil, Lauro de Freitas


You can have a miracle today in your life if you just turn everything over to Jesus and begin to expect it. Keep grinding God got u God going to bless u through your music don't give up .Ok.ok

United States, Louisiana, baton rouge

fan review

repetitive but nice, maybe to polished and in sync, DAW tools, i think ... and if so is that negative? for some people, for some not, for me? i recognise it :) i mean i have been thru that to, keep it going!!!!

Belgium, Antwerp





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