Christmas Fugue in g#m-Masters in this Hall-Guitar Quartet Mix
Song Reviews
A fine orchestra piece...
It is a pleasant surprise to find this "cute" piece of music with full of classical flavor. It sounds to me more like an interlude of a musical play. I appreciate the delicate and careful orchestration in detail. Good control of dynamics among many different sounds of instruments is the key to keep the consistency in a flow of melodies and phrases. This is an excellent example of how an orchestra arrangement should be.
Japan, Yokohama
Christmas workout for sure
I can hear the Christmas sound in this incredible piece of piano arrangement. However I also hear a twist of A Clockwork Orange mixed with A Nightmare of weights falling all around me as I writhe in sweat. I listened twice to this tune because it is that good. Your playing skills are amazing. Your timing is impeccable. This is an absolute stellar performance. Keep up the good work.
United States, Oklahoma, Lahoma
Awesome ????
I really love this tune is the spirit of Christmas that's coming in the next month and a half this is a perfect song to play around the holiday season I love the music I love the piano I love everything about the song well put together. Thank you for allowing me to review your music thank you for always sharing your gifts and talents with me and continue to stay creative never be afraid to go to the next level keep on grinding and making great music. once again thank you for sharing thank you for being unique and different I hope and pray all is well enjoy the rest of your week have a wonderful day and may God continue to bless you and all that you go to do I create God bless.
United States, California, Every Where
Christmas Fugue
Happy tones and notes! This sounds like you are playing an old fashioned organ, like the original Water Organ of the Greek Churches. I am not sure if it sounds like Christmas to me, it may to others. It was a bit fast paced for my liking but I certainly found it to be stimulating and upbeat and resonating with my spirit to lift me up. For the best sound I believe it should be recorded in a church setting and possibly on a larger organ. It is impressive in it's composition and intricacy of notes and cadences. I think you have gone very far with your music. I hope and pray you will bless all who hear it.
United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales
Christmas Fugue
Christmas fugue. So nice and sweet melody, I love your music, it has a special feel. Just dancing and moving around. It allows me to have peace of mind. Thank you for making such great nusic. X
South Africa, Cape Town
is a baroque piece, the alternation of the harpsichord and the guitar in opposition to each other create a mixture of sounds and colors that put the listener in a state of perennial attention to the infinite sequence of notes that seem not to end. it's not my favorite musical genre I have to confidartelo but I can not not compliment you given the intrinsic difficulty of the piece and your perfect execution.
Italy, italy
Good holiday music!
New York’s Erik-Peter Mortensen has created another very fine holiday fugue for guitars and harpsichord. The composer is introducing a fresh type of holiday music for an audience tired of the same old thing!
United States, Washington, Seattle
Christmas fugue
wow great jazz instrumental just a beautiful song love the muscianship......... ........this song has a really good synthesizer. lines I can hear this song over and over....................they the song was put together is very unique...................just love the way the piano and keyboards sound they are spot on they were played perfectly...............can't say enough about this song ......................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thsnk you.......... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you again.....................
United States, New York, Middle village
solita grande musica con arpeggi molto belli quasi invitanti a ballare ma il più' e' ascoltare e entrare nella melodia classica che si snoda con una sequenza infinita ma molto bella che si ascolta volentieri
Italy, dalmine bg
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United States, Indiana, Indianapolis
sempre bravissimi
sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi sempre bravissimi
Italy, Bologna