Too little time

Erik Robert Nordskog

Song Reviews

Too Little Time


Nice Chorus.Production is good.Good energy in the vocal delivery.Some interesting vocal harmonies in the bridge.I like that the song has light and shade and seems well crafted.Good chord changes and lyrics.Defintely worth a repeat listen.

Australia, NEWCASTLE

Good Song


This song has all the elements for a good song. Nice start, smoothly goes into song. I like the instruments. Sounds like it could be a movie score. Mean that in a good way. Sounds nice and full, with a pleasant sound. This Artist will go far. I like the singing, it's not overpowering, like some songs. Best of wishes. Sincerely Edward Westbrook

United States, North Carolina, Raleigh



Congratulations! A very good song to listen to. The energy she spends is indescribable. All this accompanied by a Rock rhythm and a vocal well arranged. The guitar is a musical based on keeping all the music expression. The song is very good, as well as a sensational harmony, it has its own identity, that is, is a song that does not look like any other. A very good battery and a sensational dynamics.

Brazil, Guarujá

Elton, Billy, and 70's influence


As a fan of Billy Joel, Elton John, the Beatles, and Warren Zevon, I can recognize some of the influences of Erik Robert Nordskog on his tune. Too Little Time. It's a good song and a decent demo. Worth spending some cash and going into the studio to record it right. Because I like his influences, I like the song but if I were to have some liberty to constructively criticize, then I would venture to say that it runs a bit too long to where it starts dragging a bit. Also the only hook is the chorus. I would like to hear another hook either lyrically or musically. As a songwriter with some of the same influences, I like to do that. It has the architecture of a pop song but it starts to sound like a Bob Dylan rant towards the end. Too many lyrics converts it from pop to storyteller and it just doesn't fit that way. My personal opinion. I hope it didn't bite too much. Just how I would do it is all. Keep rocking it man, you have what it takes.

United States, Florida, Miami

a sense of urgency

A good, tight song structure with plenty of forward thrust. The verse and chorus play well against each other. The recording is well-balanced, as no part is difficult to hear above the others. The guitar and piano are well played and in tight concert. Less appealing to these ears was the vocal, which seems to push too hard for dramatic effect. Granted, the song is about urgency and that needs to come through, but the effort was not natural sounding -- to be more blunt, the vocal was "hyped." And perhaps more could have been done with the melody, especially to make it less repetitive. In all, I think this is a model for a good song, just back off the vocal throttle and improvise a bit more with the melody. There's still enough time to make it better.

United States, Texas,



I totally enjoyed this composition. I like the mood that is set with the intro. The verses nicely give way to the chorus with added voices, then there's a very effective change of feel with the refrain that follows the second chorus. This is a solid song structure, not totally reliant on verse and chorus. Also a smart use of the instrumental, which covers one verse length wise. I thought that was the perfect length for the electric guitar lead. Good strong vocals, good lyrics, and the lyrics and melody go together perfectly. Well done, Erik!

United States, California, Arcata

to little time


this is not my cup of tea ,but it sounds ok , its to easy going and predictable some of the lyrics don't scan very well, in my opinion, but its well recorded and performed well, the middle is good it changes the dynamics good luck with this

United Kingdom, London

Too Little Time


I like this song--it has a really nice groove to it with nice changes that add to the song overall. It's well recorded, vocals are good. Sticks in my head, this song. The lyrics are poetic and well thought out.

United States, California, long beach

Too Little Time


Greetings Erik, wow, what a great intro to the song. It grabbed my attention immediately and made me want to listen to the entire song to see how it followed through, and follow through it did. The harmonies were excellent and nicely in key and tune, the entire character and mood of the song is really marvelous. There were a few parts where I thought that the guitar, ''filler riffs'' could have been brought slightly more to the forefront, but that is my personal choice. The guitar solo was also great, nice and to the point, and not too long. All in all my impression is that the song is more about the lyrics that the instruments. A really nice song, with a good beat and great harmonies. Excellent stuff - well done, keep up the great work. David

South Africa, Cape Town

well crafted


Too Little Time is a well crafted song both on lyrics and music. You sing with expression meaning and you have a great sense for when and how to apply backing vocals and effects. I also like the bit in the middle on tranquility and that the chorus is made for people to go along with. For some reason you have a long tail on this recording, I would fade it out after the wave effect. Well done.

New Zealand, Hamilton

the measurement defines it all...


Erik Robert Nordskog brings us Too little time. A calculated piece of work touching on a great number of imaginative and creative nuances in the composition of this song. Sometimes when you write a song that has textural quality off road of conventional travel it becomes hard to resolve back into commercially acceptable examples... This calculation actually pays off in many ways. But from a producer's standpoint there would be a couple of alterations. From the guitar players standpoint, a little use of vibrator and a touch less compression and perhaps some more pronounced delay during the lead section. From the vocals, well I give credit for the effort in the singing... but the tracking and mixing of it into the rest of the tracks misses and doesn't sit quite as well during the verse section by itself. When the harmonies kick in it seems to sit better. Finally there is the unwritten rule of building towards a climatic point and then release to an ending. This song didn't deliver in that aspect because each verse and each chorus sounded the same relative to each other... there was no variation to buildup in the expression. Again all these are from a producers perspective in the studio. I can actually hear a 5 star song in this submission... but there is roughly 6/10 of a point worth or praise that was left on the table in this mix.

United States, Texas, Houston

Classis sounds


Erik reminds of the Midwest sounds of Styx or other smart rockers. His vocal nuances recall Freddie Mercury at times. Progressive influences, nice harmonies with rocking electric guitar.

United States, Michigan, Ann A



Touching track ! True words and well sang, Enjoyed it very much When is the album out ? Please take a listen to some of my work too, Messages of peace to the world And with a great composition,

United Kingdom, manchester

Too Little Time


Strong lyrics and good production give this track the strength to do well. It has a shuffle to the rhythm that skips it along, getting better as the song expands in all dimensions. Great harmonies complete the chorus with sound reflections from the 70's. A good sing a long song........

United Kingdom, Jersey Channel Islands

Cool song


What a cool song, and the lyrics are great, it takes me on a journey, & I feel so upbeat after listening to this song. One of these days this song will be on a TV show or movie or film. I love how you play all the instruments, the electric guitar sounds awesome, it all makes me want to dance. The background vocals are really groovy and give this song so much soul. You sing with so much passion and I like how you sing this song who is so much beat and men bravado. You are a great musical artist, singer, and songwriter with amazing talent and skill. This song is really cool no wonder it's number 1 on the rock charts globally.

United States, California, Los Angeles

A Well Written Song


This is a well written song with commercial potential. The lyrics are interesting. They seem to convey ideas without overusing common phrases. I like songwriters who can say things in a unique way. The melody is catchy, with the right balance of familiar and unfamiliar. The instrumental performances support the song well, but do not call attention to themselves, which is OK. The vocal performances are good overall, however, I can hear brief moments when the voices are a tiny bit out of tune. This lets the listener know that it is an amateur production. For me, this is not a problem, because I can appreciate the song itself. But in this competitive market, you need to have your production be as slick and perfect as the famous artists. Easier said than done, I know.

United States, Texas, El Paso

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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