Our Fathers Wishes

Esther Swably

Song Reviews

Great message

Esther is singing from her heart and she talks about life's journeys. She sings the song with heart felt conviction and based on her message, she wants others to seek God with all their hearts and understand that it's one day at a time, one step at a time. Lovely message and love the Rockabilly style.

United States, Texas

Clear as a bell ????

First, thanks for allowing me this opportunity. The articulation is done very well, and the words are as clear as a bell. There is no way someone could miss the message that you've presented here. I believe that you sung from your heart,and the heart of God. I really enjoyed the lyrics as well as the accompany music. Please, continue to make beautiful songs like this one, and God bless you and all that you do to encourage his people. Again, thank you for this opportunity.

United States, Louisiana, Shreveport

Not good

Work needed, Work needed, Work neededWork needed, Work needed, Work needed Work needed, Work needed, Work neededWork needed, Work needed, Work needed Work needed, Work needed, Work neededWork needed, Work needed, Work needed Work needed, Work needed, Work neededWork needed, Work needed, Work needed

United States, Pennsylvania, Bala Cynwyd

Nice Production!

I like the production. Did you record that at home or where? Nice gospel sounding tune. Seems like you really mean what you are saying. Not the best singing in the world, but it works for the genre. What have you done with the tune to date? If you had someone else sing it may really help the tune. I mean, you are in key and all or just slightly flat like many country singers have always been. I love the lyrics. Nice job

United States, Oklahoma, Moyers

Our Fathers Wishes

This is a beautiful song for sure,,, and your voice is super great,,,, But it's hard for me to understand all the words,,,, of course I'm getting on up there in age and my wife says I need a hearing aid,,, but I think the music is to loud and covering up your beautiful voice ,,, I love what I can hear and understand ,,,,, But what do I know ?? I'm just a fat boy riding a bicycle !!! I guess what I'm trying to say is-Don't let the music overtake the message,,, '' God Bless You ''.... Your Brother In Christ Grady Edward Neblett.....'' ThePeaceMakers ''

United States, Kentucky, Paducah

Our fathers wishes

I like the beat..like it when you added the harmonies. Music seems a bit loud vs the vocals. Decide on a specific lyrival chorus. Keep up the good work! Bring up lead vocal in the mix and work on the drum tempo

United States, Illinois, Maywood

Blessed Monday

One love my brothers and sisters bless Monday in the Lord is say..... rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. Colossians 2:7‭-‬10 NIV Christ Lives

United States, California, anaheim

Our Fathers wishes

Hi, I think the song needs more vocal harmonies throughout and perhaps some extra music breaks or stops in the song to give the structure a bit more of a hook. I wish you well, God Bless Danny

United States, California, Rocklin

very good

Greetings good music and lyrics is a blessing to make music with meaning and purpose I encourage you to continue working for God knowing that work for him is not in vain and we will have our reward hug greetings from Venezuela

Venezuela, Barinas

Our Fathers Wishes

Listening to the track, I am moved to say that I Iike the Theme and the lyric, but for me the vocal seems to be suppressed under the music track and could use some sweetening,i.e a good reverb or a touch of delay. Other than that, Thumbs up !

United States, Missouri, St Ann

about our fathers wishes

yes this is tops ist time i hurd this song and i am glad i did it has prfect music perfect sound and lyrics and perfectly sung i can listen to this over and over and i think others can also i do not see why this song can not hit number 1 in the charts i think it has a very greate chance GOD be with you and your family and freinds and always remember to follow your dream where ever the lord may leaad it take care now i thought this was sung tops so i gave it top rating

Australia, Warragul 3820

Our Father's Wishes

A wonderful message about the Power of The Holy Spirit as Our Helper, Teacher and Wonderful Counsellor. I really love the richness of this song lyric. This song is very comforting but most of all I love the beat of the percussion that makes me want to dance. "We tend to forget what Jesus taught us when He was alive." "Our ways are not His Ways, and His Ways are not ours" helps me to remember not to strive to stay alive, but to abide and let Him take us for the ride of our lives! Thank you Esther, you are a true Daughter of The King dispensing His Wisdom in your songs to help HIM save His Bride. God bless you and may your songs be sown like the seeds of all the plants of earth and multiply to bring you a Harvest of Righteousness on earth and in Heaven.

United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales

Encouraging Song!

This was a very beautiful and encouraging song! Thanks so much for sharing this song with us. It also has a great message of God's thoughts are not ours! Which is very right because His ways are HIgher than ours. Keep on sharing your music with the world. This song is a very cheerful and uplifting song which is what I really needed to hear today because of some intense trials that I am going through right now. I love your country style! You have a very unique, original style. Keep up the good work, and may God continue to bless your music!

United States, Louisiana, Morgan City

recording our fathers wishes

id rerecord it take out the drums bass it would sound better and different setup for your vocals you sound like your in a box add just a little reverb and delay on vocals otherwise a good gospel song if you keep drums bass id take out most licks on both

United States, Tennessee, Franklin

Great parts, nice potential

Overall good mix, good message for encouraging christians. The thing that needs the most attention is the vocal mix and the way it blends with the track. The lead vocal seems a little bottom heavy and doesn't set in the track very well. Listen to the vocal EQ of some other songs you like and try to emulate the way it sounds in comparison to the rest of the mix. The guitar work was good, but tended to get in the way of the vocal at the beginning and the transition from the solo to the last verse did not seem to flow well. At the end the guitar played really well but did not fit the feel or vibe of the song. Sometimes good is simple. I wish the vocal were a bit smoother. I think she has a better version of this song in her. Not bad though, keep up the good work! Ultimately you don't have to please everybody, just God... and he is pleased you are using your gift to honor Him!

United States, Tennessee, Columbia

Esters song

Our Fathers Wishes, I really liked the message in this song. It is encouraging and points to the goodness and the love that Our Father has for us. He only wants the best for us and yet somehow we keep getting duped in to not trusting him.Thank you for the song and for putting it out for all the world to hear, My prayer is for ears to hear and seeds to be planted into the hearts and minds of whoever will hear this song. God Bless Michael J. Mulholland

United States, Virginia, Suffolk





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