We are all of us co-creating all the time, with our mind, and feelings...
...I'm seeing that this is the basic structure of our material world, and one day, I believe that quantum physics will explain it so that everyone understands it; then again, we've enjoyed electricity for over 200 years and I for one still don't fully understand it! But at least I know how to use it wisely - and that may be as good as it gets with understanding the way our world works, and why we do what we do, too.
This past Summer I wrote a couple of books (manuscripts, actually, as they haven't been published...yet?!) and one summarises my spiritual beliefs and view of how the world works, and how the world could be when we better understand how it works! It's called "How can we have Heaven here?"; of course, that's a Utopian idea, but I believe that we have to have ideals to work towards as part of our life here on Earth.
Music is a form of entertainment and self-expression, as a songwriter I strive to accomplish both, yet ultimately I'm not truly interested in making music unless it is a true expression of myself! Which makes me a bit of a misfit in 'my' world, which is heavily dependent on superficial self-promotion and the entertainment of media...never mind: I find that those who appreciate what I do, find me - and anyway, I've always believed in Quality over Quantity!
Having had a recent birthday, which here on our beloved and blessed island we were able to actively celebrate despite the current Covid-19 conditions everywhere else, a friend who brought me a lovely traditional Hawai'ian lei (a necklace of fragrant flowers) took this photo - a tad blurry, but that's OK!
(The framed t-shirt in the background is from a painting by a talented Nashville-based artist originally from Columbia, it features his wife, but depicts Eve! Which is why he sent it to me...)
Blessings be to all, and stay safe during this time of plague and crisis; trust that a Way is being made, and it will be.