E.Z. Riders / Events / Festa Della Birra - Beer Fest
E.Z. Riders
E.Z. Riders was born as a Power Trio firmly rooted in blues and well-fed by the great history of American and English rock.
And from blues-rock the music of E.Z.RIDERS expands exploring the "southern harmonies", the "worship" of the jam, and lots of different influences.
An absolutely original ensemble, carrying on the legacy of the golden age of rock and blues ja... read more
- SatJul 0410:30pm
Festa Della Birra - Beer Fest
Italy, Bernezzo, Cuneo, Bernezzo, Piazza Martiri della libertà, 12010E.Z.Riders Live: new Line up featuring Ivano Andreozzi: vocals, Alessandro Alessandrini: guitar & vocals, Luigi Ridolfi: bass & vocals, Rodolfo Ridolfi: Drums.
You can't miss this!FreeAll Ages