Song Reviews

Impressive lyrics of great countryside


The song is accompained by fastidious acoustic-guitars all the way from stanza to the chorus, who playing the main role in this recording. Versatility makes the guitar arrangemend creative and forcing the music constantly on a higher level. The intro sounds like a story. Kyle Nicholas dynamic voice has a precise vocal projection. He has also great talent to give an account in words about his overland trip including all relevant characteristics and events. The song is a quintessence of country music with folk elements. Fine orchestrated chords of the guitars and a perfect solo making the song lively and creative. Professional mastered recording and I´m sure you will also like to add it. Let others know your recommedation.

Germany, Hamburg


Hi Kyle, this is the first song of yours I've listened to and I'm impressed with the whole package. Your lyrics and vocals put me right in the car with you. You have a great country vibe going here and the guitar work is excellent across the board. Much enjoyed listening. Good luck to you and the band.

United States, Delaware, Wilmington

venomous music review


United Kingdom, BIRMINGHAM

Settling down in Paradise

intro, would have liked something to balance the flat picking out, first few barres in, love the vocal and enjoying the rhythm section coming in. and the vocal harmony, Lyric content is v good start of 2/3 of the song when the guitars pick up does lift the song again, love the acoustic lead. what happened to the last third of the song ? it got muddy seemed on guitar was slightly out of sync, but i can see what you were trying to do. as the song is long for the same, you redeem the end holding the note and going up. still great song I am probably being picky. Thanks for the Song

United Kingdom, Southampton

Nice Drive

Good driving music.and a lot more. I love anything talking about taking stress away. Anytime. And then the guitar colors in the landscape this singer describes so well with a good range and damn good harmonies. I think I'll subscribe to this guy because he offers a lot to enjoy, and that's a lot. Thanks for inviting me to review. I'm really glad I did. Best of luck and keep it coming.

United States, Texas, Houston

cool song


Really good composition. Its a Song with a deep message behind, that touches something by the listener. Keep on doing you' re Kind of music, expression you want to. I wish you really all the best for the new beginning year - 2022- Stay healthy and happy as well! Hope you'll get in a creative process to create more songs, music can heal and gives us hope all over the planet! That is what I think about it. Hope you'll understand the mean conetent ?! Greets, Judith M, Germany

Germany, Schwerin

Guter Job

Klassisch mit entsprechenden Unterhaltungswert, ergibt, keine schlechte Bewertung. Gut umgesetzter Drive ohne zu überhasten und zu übertreiben. Alles in allem eine gute Arbeit. Was besonders gefällt und auffällt ist der Spaß am Spielen und der gut zu bewertende Gesang. Harmonisch, stimmig und sicher ausbaufähig.

A review you should appreciate. (dat breakdown though=))


Intro- I really love how this song starts with singer and chugging acoustic like youre sitting on the stage and hearing the reflections off of an empty theatres back wall. As a singer whom also plays acoustic in these "settings" some times, this environment makes playing this type of music so emotionally gripping and to capture that , whether digitally or naturally, and to make it sound natural/realistic is a great accomplishment and very fitting to set the mood. Im also a fan of the subtle walkie talkie sound on the vocal. It gives it a very vintage sound and cuts through well once the other instruments begin to play. raw and audibly unoffensive shakers with subtle centered bass countering sets a nice tone to the ascending introduction of the songs chorus (hook) and builds nicely into that "and here we go moment". You can almost hear what would be audience screaming in enjoyment as "the band" begins its march to the 2nd verse. Once it kicks in, the "ascension" of emotionality continues due to it's catchy and well written verse melody/and lyrics. As all great "folky" sing alongs do, Paradise erupts in it's first full band chorus not lacking in those multi part and well sung harmonies we all enjoy. It is important to note that the mix has maintained balance as the crescendo comes to its head. If songwriter also did the mix, he will appreciate this note as it is not easy mixing and mastering music, especially when done "at home", but there's nothing like hearing it playback and actually enjoying what you have created. Im going to jump now to thee "guitar solo breakdown building nicely into the final chorus. I want to highlight this segment as I felt it to be a very interesting groove that I can confidently say I have not heard often if at all in this type of a song. The busy-ness of acoustic and bass gives a feeling of jamming with musical companions that not only understand each other and respect their individual role for the whole (seperates the men from the boys), but throughly enjoy what they are doing in this moment of "premeditated" freedom. Letting it all hang out and rocking the joint if you will. In Conclusion, I really enjoy when songwriter(s) write in a way that creates an emotional impact live and this song does this very well. Paradise is a great tune. I have not hyper focused on lyrics yet to know my interpretation with my own experiences but a great song impacts without even learning the words yet and "Paradise" achieves this as well. Well done Kyle. Im going to follow ya.

United States, Florida, St. Petersburg


... Es que no puedo decir algo que aporte a este tema que no sea estrictamente musical y sin duda desde mi sentir como colega, aunque en otro ámbito de los géneros musicales... 1.- No voy a decir nada que mas que estoy escuchando un gran tema por demás perfectamente bien logrado.. 2.- Felicidades y mucho éxito por este trabajo... ... ¿Que esperaría para la próxima entrega? A.- La integración de un buen violín al mas puro estilo de Bluegrass.... B.- Una voz femenina a manera de diálogo... Por la tesitura del vocalista, ella haría un buen acompañamiento vocal. C.- Sin contradecir la tradición.. se podría integrar un buen Synth-Pad de fondo. ... Bueno Soñar no cuesta y después de todo, esta canción me llevó a disfrutar del verdadero estilo de Norteamérica ... Esta es la quinta vez que la escucho ...

Mexico, D.F.



But nearly! Truthfully, I am not crazy about this type of music, yet you do it so well, and talent is talent and when any song is created combining ALL of the elements that are required to create a great song, the style doesn't matter. It will cross all genres and everyone's toe and emotions will be tapped or tapping! Visually, yes I said visually. All great songs are SEEN VISUALLY. (They do not lolly gag around in trite, over used, "feeling" cliches while the listener is looking for an upchuck refuse). I visually see and FEEL this song AND it makes me imagine my own sights while I am up in that mountain range looking out to that faraway sea. This song made me smile and keep on smiling. In my head I imagined an Old Timer kicking it up with his lady. Her grabbing her skirt and doing a two step.. And they are having a time that will bring memories. Is this is the lyric? NO. BUT, this writer takes me there and then let's me hang out. Ok. Here is the technical. (FYI, though I am listed here as a Beginner, I am new to this site...but not new to critiquing writing or art. OH WELL.) MUSIC. 1-20, a 15. Even though it is delightful and fun to listen to, can I say this melody blew me away and that it is new and fresh, never heard it before? Nah. Pretty average. 10, but gave you 5 bonus pts because you are spotless, energetic, and I really don't care... Loved hearing the song! LYRICS. 1-20, a 20. So delightful that you told the story. Stuck to it. Had all of your verses support your chorus. You wove your theme in and out of the verses and chorus like it should be done. You stayed in the right "person" throughout the song. ( Pet peeve when songwriters keep changing in one song who they are talking to! He, they, him, me, she.... Make a choice!!) You made the choice and stuck to it. Thank you! MARRIAGE OF MUSIC WITH LYRICS. 1-20. Spot on 20! Your lyrics and music support each other. Period. ORIGINALITY. 1-20. 12. SORRY. I really liked the song, but there are a lot of traveling, hit the road songs. But I give you a bonus of 3 did making it YOUR traveling song. But, I think you could improve this song by putting just a little more personalized moments. And really paint a picture that is uniquely yours while searching for your paradise. A story line we have not seen or heard before. Not contrite but a real, honest moment.. An encounter, something rarely seen, a song of the wildlife... Whatever. Not contrived but very real. ( ...old friends, sit on a park bench like bookends. A newspaper blows like dust on the round toes of the old shoes, of the old friends...Simon and Garfunkel. THAT is a LYRICAL MOMENT). And I have every confidence that you can do it! EMOTIONAL IMPACT 1-20. 15. This song just plain and simply MADE ME HAPPY! I smiled all the way through. Great job. Blessings, Ana

United States, Texas, Lewisville


alright already like the way it starts with the guitar then the artist start singing but the singing started off good and fitted perfect as well the sound is crispy and clear the artist sound good singing country because this is what it sounds like if not artist regardless did good with this song and like what the artist talking about in his song it was very positive

United States, Georgia, Decatur

Very smooth

Well you got one there it's really nice Makes you feel like you want to keep driving to the paradise it's awesome makes you just get away from all your problems it it makes you feel really at home at home I'd like you know eat mom's Apple pie you know and and make sure forget about your troubles good job good job hopefully you'll get picked up The mixture's a little I guess I guess rough the backup should have been a little more up I believe for my taste but they harmonized well I like to not have as much reverb on voices it makes it sound more full and colorful in my opinion When you're recording double up on vocals especially when you go into courses from versus very very rich Is larger than life sound Thank you for your time Singer song writer Daniel

United States Minor Outlying Islands, Olympia

voce dal paradiso

voce dal paradiso grande voce che scende su di noi con bellissimo timbro e preparazione anche il pezzo piace e si ascolta volentieri nel suo sviluppo un po' country ma questa voce e' davvero fenomenale anche l'arrangiamento funziona bene. bene il cambio sul sol mi piace il mio orecchio mi dice che e' un sol tutto veramente bello e gradevole non ho più' niente da dire che il cantante ha belle doti vocali e riempie il palco solo con la sua voce

Italy, dalmine bg

review by Osirus B


Paridise by kyle Nichoias music .. united states Washington Seattle . alternative song writing acoustic yes i like this music . and brilliant song writing and story telling at its finest .. i like the fact that i can hear the words of this song crystal clear .. the artist sings out here on the highway window down i can feel the breeze. this time im going through this my way . im going to leave behind this city wide open space where i,ll stay hope and pray as far as i can see yellow lines and head lights - light the way open road now i am free guided into the the night on a winding mountain road into the sun rise oh the mountain painted in shades of red i think i,ll find something to take my stress away i think i,ll gladly leave that shed behind .. yes i like these song lyrics .. good song writing

United Kingdom, Birmingham

Great Voice

I thought I was going to hear an old style country song when the intro started and then the vocals kicked it. Kyle Nicholas has a great voice! The lyrics painted a nice picture and the song told the story. The harmonies fit well and the overall country/pop/rock song was fun to listen to. The song would fit great into a John Denver playlist.

United States, Alabama, Birmingham


wow nice this is AWESOME .this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over.............................they the song was put together is very unique..........................just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on the drums and guitars were played perfectly........................can't say enough about this song ...................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you.........................

United States, New York, Middle village

good country music is better than bad country music..this is good

good srat good guitar man..fs turn down the vocs tho man..good tho they are..very well mixed produced..good song..good meanin behind it..for me the vocs just a wee bit too loud..but the voc are wat..just an opinion like..good luck with settlin down in paradise tho..where is that? good country music...very impresssive work..def 4 stars imo..but i aint no reviewer..its te dude prob can play a good gig..nice guiatr change there..this is good. well done. better than garth brooks anyway..did ye hear? wer not lettin him back in ireland..hes a tosser. garth crooks now..he's welcome anytime.good job man.

Ireland, Dublin


Let me start by qualifying how I review material.....I listen to the song from a commercial standpoint....which is to say... is it a viable vehicle to present to artists or publishing house for inclusion on an upcoming project? The other option would be you as an artist .... in which case either one likes …..or one dislikes. You have a nice start to song with some interesting chord changes that keep the listener interested...Some good lyrical imagery....and an overall nice melody..... If it were me I might check the sonic presentation of the track....The overall sound of your tune is very compressed and works against the imagery of the song....Check out your favorite artists and compare their sound of against yours....Remember.....You're competing against the world via the internet... There is some nice lyrical imagery in your song....but the concept "Paradise" feels unsupported by some of the lines.....Your generalized idea...traveling on The open road as opposed to settling down Paradise could be tighter....Take Me Home Country Roads is a good example of a Paradise song...Descriptive and focused..... Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads You have a really nice start to a it's time for the dreaded re-write.... Good Luck and Keep Writing! RW

United States, Kentucky, Fort Thomas

Awesome song


As soon as this song started from the introduction to the end it had my full attention. The song writing and vocals were awesome and I really felt this one. I’ll be looking at more of your songs

United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home

Good tape


The audio of this tape is good, so I can listen well your interesting voice. The style reminds the modern country music, but with a background of hard-rock. I think that your music has quality.

Italy, Monfalcone, Trieste





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