3 years ago

YHWH YHWH - a new album begins

Greetings to everyone near & far, Well, I pray all of you are doing well wherever you may be? My wife and I have some awful respiratory thing going on and have been down and out for about a week. We're on steroids and antibiotics and other cold/flu meds and slowly getting back to where we are almost "human" again... Not sure where we got it but we pray it goes away wherever it came from... Before I got hit with this bug - I wrote a new song YHWH YHWH - that is just a simple funky praise song that lifts up the name of The Most High. Sometimes spelled as Yahweh or just Yah - this is the name that the ancient Hebrews considered to be too holy and special to even utter - and would substitute in it's place - either Adonai (Lord) or Hashem (which means "name") That being said, I have always been drawn to this name and felt it was time to celebrate it in song. This next album will be focused on praise & worship with an acoustic flavor dominating the arrangements - but there will still be electric sounds sprinkled in for good measure... I haven't been doing much praise & worship lately but sense my soul needs to draw closer to God and there is not better way to do that other than through prayer and worship. I hope this next album has God's breath in every song. amen My wife and I are now looking for a new church that is directly involved with tearing down the strongholds of the devil - and exposing the works of darkness that are going on all around us. Now is no time to simply "play church" or be silent while the world tries to conform us to it's image - which is not like Christ - hardly. ROM 12:1-2 This world is not our home, and everyday it seems the culture is more ungodly and hostile to Christians and the Bible. That should be all the warning we need to know friendship with this fallen world - is not a good choice for those who love God and are following Jesus Christ. My prayer for all of us is that all of us will make wise choices that are in line with the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of Christ. That will come with a price - to choose to follow Jesus will mean being misunderstood, maligned, and even hated by those that hate God and those who follow after what is good. Sad - but true. 2 TIM.3:12 Please pray for me as I work on this new album of songs, and as I begin to write about whatever it is God is leading me to write about for my 3rd book. That's still undecided - I'm waiting for direction on that now. Blessed Beyond Measure Michael D'Aigle / fool4christ

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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