New Album called, "I Can Win," limited release for now.
I have been busy. This album represents a lot of work done by a core group of people. The lions share was done on my own. As it should be when you're a solo acoustic guitar based artist. I do have a modest home studio where I was able to do almost all of the guitar work. I did some of the vocal work in my studio as well. D. Freeman's Sonlight Productions took it much further than I could, We did everything I could or did not do in my studio at Sonlight Productions. A great comfortable place.
If you are just learning about me which is likely, I have been around for a long time now. I had a very near signing with Elektra Records many years ago where my partner did not want to tour. I did still have the chance to work with their team. They taught some things about putting on a great live show. I have been paying my dues and continue to. Enough good things have been happening late in my career that I am now busier than ever and my fanbase keeps growing like I added fertilizer lately. Hoping to keep that going right up to my 40 years of performing live celebration concert or concerts as it looks to be turning in to.
I just want to say Thank You for listening and for those of that write I appreciate and enjoy our correspondence. So far I am able to keep up with the fan mail but it's growing busier. I encourage you to write. I love to hear comments and stories.
Love and Peace to Everyone!
Frank Porter 2/25/2018 4:28 pm