Song Reviews
Music Review
This reminds me of a fast pace triology or a fast paced game this where I think this would fit at and also house dance club banger it can be Nice way with the instrumenets I think the kick isnt needed but that drake feel before the hi hats is amazing.
United States, Illinois, Chicago
Mach X
I enjoyed most of the song. Felt there was an abrupt intrusion of a snare drum at around 1:19 ish and 1:30. Would like it to not be quite as harsh an entrance. Could definately see this on a TV cop show.
United States, New Jersey
Reivew of "Mach X"
Chill trance music is okay, people need your kind of music as introductions to movies sci fi stuff. Try Music clout, they are looking for stuff like this. Maybe lounge beats on face book. Good luck! There is a lot of competition in your genre. Would help If you make the Repetitive stuff less so :)
Sri Lanka, Colombo
Review of "MachX"by Rosie Jackson
This is what you call a break down in production music without an ending a song without a focus. This song did not go nowhere. St. Louis, Mo.
buh buh buh
beat is erratic and doesn't sync well to song lack of focus present the breakdown doesn't make sense good scratchpad idea but needs better arranging
initially caught me w/ melody and trance sounds thought it would be good to zone or ride out to but i wish the drum kit and percussion instruments complimented the groove a bit more to the point where I could here vocals on top whether in or out of pocket but the way the track was placed made it hard for me to hear either or. Maybe the track was "Being FREE" continue to perfect your craft and follow your dreams L.U.C.H.
United States, North Carolina, raleigh
Mach X
Mach X , B Free, G Neric -Another "push the DEMO button on the keyboard" song. Hard to actually review this as there`s NOTHING HAPPENING -Yes I know ambi-house-trance-techno is not by nature dynamic & stuff, but there`s supposed to be SOMETHING going on to grab your ears (Yes, I did listen to all of it.) Yet another ambient/somnabulent non-event, shambling along embracing anonymity & juuuust to dull to be mediocre. A watered down version of one of the tunes from the old "Wipeout" games of umpteen years ago (Are`nt they all) "Ambient" indeed! Brian Eno must be turning in his grave. <*¬)X
United Kingdom, Newcastle on Tyne
Mach X - B Free
This is very derivative, and the form and spasmodic percussion is very unsettling, not a comfortable mix. Freedom is not something this track emanates, it seems to be certainly searching for a form, but to me, seems lost in time, and needs to be rethought. Ambient music has a very limited lifespan, unless it has something really special and unique, and B Free needs to find a consistency of mood and rhythm, or non rhythm (maybe no percussion at all) to create that seamless ambient uniqueness. B Free to work on it some more.
United Kingdom, Bognor Regis