• Fri
    Nov 10

    Wesyelan Church

    United States, Alabama, Irvington, 12330 Irvington & Bayou La Batre Hwy, 36544
    Shoemate Record Promotions Ministry
    10th Annual Gospel Conference & Showcase
    Featuring : Independent Gospel Artists- Traditional Gospel- Country Gospel- Contemporary Gospel- Poets- Speakers- Christian Rappers-Praise Dancers- and more - join us for a weekend of total praise and worship.
    Friday November 10,2017 - Saturday November 11,2017
    Awards- Door Prizes- Workshop- Free Luncheon - Tag Team Preaching- all to recorded for television and radio broadcast. for more information contact : Sister Shirley Shoemate 251-229-8660 or visit our website www.shoemateministry.com
    All Ages





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