Please listen and buy ! - (future_former) - Decade (Album) :-)
Dear Fans !
Thank you so much for your engagement and your love for my music and so mine. I want to introduce you my current Debut album "Decade". It contains a bandwidth of my work of the last 10 years making music. Take a totally free listen here:
Every single buck of your purchase (after taxes and fees, total ca. €8,30) will be transfered directly to my children, currently located in Africa, The Gambia, Brikama Branch. 12 Children without Mama & Papa, Orphans. My music is not created and composed for my own profit, it's made for our love, charity and a good moods & feeling. :-)
You also could licence my music for special purposes, like radio, web, video, film and movies. Just take a look into the work of my collegue:
In that cases, just visit or write me an direct E-Mail.
If you like to listen to new ideas and new projects, please visit For further informations and a newsletter, just leave me your E-Mail address directly via: :-)
Thank you very much, and have a good time !
Yours, Danyel