Hello guys and gals,
I don't need to tell you people that living in these times is stressful and hard. People from generation to generation have always faced daily trials with the demandments life brings. It doesn't matter what age you are, at every stage of life, the struggles that confront us constantly are always there to greet us each new day. But, I will tell you that fighting in today's world, to live well and have a family with a World Pandemic attacking us at every level, well, that's extreme to say the least.
This is not the world I was a child in. I was lucky enough to be a teenager when The Beatles made their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show. On Friday and Saturday nights I listen to some of the best music of my generation while cruising in my 1957 Chevy two door hard top coupe on Kearney street in Springfield, Missouri. I was seventeen, in love with life and my girlfriend who sat closely beside me.
This is not the life for our youth in today's world, that's sad. But one thing has remained through out the years, music, and our love for it. It is the drug you can use that has no I'll effects, and yet will help you through that bad day. I wish the best for all my friends, old and new. Fight the good fight and turn up the music.