United States, Georgia, Mcdonough

N1M © 2003—2025

8 years ago
I like to thank you all for your continuous support over the years. Its been tough for me struggling depression and loneliness at times but Im thankful that I have music as an outlet. i finally in the process of going in the studio to record my first Lp that i've been promising you all for so long. Like i say dealing with my highs and lows over the years prolonged the release. My plan is to put out a compilation some of the older classic with some new and you wil have Perfect Thoughts From A Distorted Mind the Encyclopedia. As an artist i have grown in the sense of being more careful of what material i put out, if it doesnt feel good or have that unique sound that speaks to me i'll just skip an instrumental. Soon I will have distribution and you will be able to buy the whole album or whatever singles you like but trust me you're gonna want to get the whole project because its going to be a classic for sure. Im in the process of moving to Atlanta and look forward to performing for the first time. Ultimately id like to land a major deal with Aftermath Good Music or Star Tracks because like intelligent music that is light years ahead of the game. I plan to have my first single drop in August dont quote on that but thats when i plan and i cant wait for you all to hear it. I shopping for only the best quality beats and with a limited budget thats another reason why its being held up but everything is coming together. My birthday is July 4 i'll be 29 so dont forget about on that day well my sites are @GFACTOR79 (expired link) King Delon GFACT0R Corleone on facebook hit me up anytime may God bless you (expired link)
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8 years ago
Hello to all my friends and followers I have a new track for you all titled Lights On please give it a listen and if you feel it share repost do whatever it takes to keep this movement going! Dont forget to visit (expired link) for everything officially GFACTOR
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9 years ago
Hello all its your boy GFACTOR just writing you to let you know as promised i would soon deliver some new music to you therefore i went in the studio and created this awesome record Babylon i chose the title after reading Isiah and how Babylon represented wordlyness and would be destroyed at the return of the Lord I spare no details and you a even more intimate glimpse into the life of GFACTOR my mom whos a breast cancer survivor added that agony and pain which topped the track off it also futures Tune a young brilliant mc who dates my sister lol so ladies without further ado i give you Babylon!-GFACTOR
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9 years ago
Thanks for supporting my music please visit my official website (expired link) thanks again new music coming soon GFACTOR i promise you wont be disapointed in my growth as an artist
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9 years ago
Find me on Facebook at King Delon GFACTOR Corleone @GFACTOR79 Twitter (expired link)
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9 years ago
Sorry that you havent heard from me in so long but in February i lost my uncle who was very dear to me while my mom battled breast cancer suicidal thoughts set in and i had to get help if i could ever bring you new music well im much better and am writing alot of new material as i finish rehab visit my official site (expired link) for tracks and videos not featured here and add me king delon gfactor corleone on facebook i love u all God bless
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10 years ago
Hello all, it's the one and only GFACTOR (expired link) Kash Money just writing to wish you all a Happy Nee Year and i pray all of those who celebrate had a Merry Christmas. 2015 will see my album "Perfect Thoughts From A Distorted Mind" being released and i promise the hype is real this project is going to blow you away. Im still seeking collaborations be it an artist producer or vocalist or if you GFACTOR on your label or Want to book me as an opening act email me delonwalker87@(expired link) Also for all my beautiful female GFACTOR FANATICs i want to get to know you better send me a friend request right now (expired link) also for all my peeps on twitter follow me now (expired link) need someone to tsk e charge and start my #GFACTOR_Fanatic trend and help bring more fans into the fold also i need all of you to immediately subscribe to my YouTube channel (expired link) here you will have an exclusive candid look into everything that is GFACTOR from exclusive freestyles and flows album sneak peaks and personal fan shout outs videos are uploaded regularly so please subscribe share and comment to stay in the loop and bring GFACTOR to the masses my numberonemusic.com/gfactor page will grow tremendously in 2015 so bare with me (expired link) has all of my tracks so if youve only heard the 3 on numberonemusic.com/gfactor please become a fan (expired link) Calling All Ladies are you the one who will be GFACTOR's Sweet Valentine? Send your hottest pic best original poen and become eligible to receive an autograph picture original poem from GFACTOR and a free album upon release ladies can also create a visual video Valentine and share on my (expired link). or send your fan mail to 610 Woodlawn Park Drive McDonough GA 30253 4 ladies who express there appreciation for GFactor will be announced via my YouTube channel Valentines Day and will receive vday package through the mail this is a global contest! To my male fans who i see helping promote me i will write an original poem for your love for vday theres work to be done so i need you all to tell the world about the soon to be rookie of the year in 2015 GFACTOR Know that all of you are special and you can be successful and witness your dreams manifest through perseverance and continuous humility don't let depression mental illness or poor self esteem cause you to not enjoy life or love yourself you are a victor not a victim Jesus is Lord all praises to Allah for my Islamic followers Hindu agnostics whatever don't matter. He who stands for nothing will fall for anything i've struggled with mental instability and depression so trust i understand if u need to talk send me a friend request now (expired link) i love you all God bless GFACTOR
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10 years ago
Hello I go by the name of GFACTOR, I'm a 27 year old hip hop artist out of Georgia. I am presently working on my first LP "Perfect Thoughts From A Distorted Mind", I look forward to getting some new music up as soon as possible. Thank You for your support thus far, and know that my page is still a work in progress. I am a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, and I am follower of Jesus Christ. Music is my passion and I love poetry as well. Please anticipate a new single to be added very soon but until then enjoy my classics, my entire collection can be found at (expired link) may you all have a blessed week!-"GF"..
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