Happy Easter!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Tonight we will celebrate the feast of Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that He is the only one Son of God, who was born before the creation. God from God, like, for example, the light in the room is from the light from the sun. He took our flesh from Virgin Mary and became a real man. He was tortured and killed on the cross and resurrected on the third day and showed Himself to his disciples. He resurrected as a man, because He didn't have sins.
Only He can clean us from our sins, if we get the suffering and die for the world like He did. And, if one is clean from his sins and dead for this world, he will not see the phisical death, but will live eternally, like Adam in paradise. I think that can happen already in this life. So I wish you that this would happen to you! I attach two Songs for the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ to this letter. They are old songs, but we are now working hard on the new ones, hopefully they will be ready very soon.