Many are Your Charities - Բազում են գթութիւնք քո
Song Reviews
Great work
Thank you for taking the time to create great works. I will continue to follow and listen for more work. You have a unique style and the world needs to hear it. I am a fan, keep up the wonderfulwork of art
United States, Tennessee, Knoxville
A well executed classiocal piece. good perfirmances and nicely produced.. very relaxing and redfldctyive from a srttrong ensemble with good tone and feel. it was verry nice to lisrten to!!
United Kingdom, Oxford, England
I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!
United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill
musica dell'anima
musica dell'anima con le belle inflessioni arabe che ci fanno pensare il senso della nostra vita e perche' dobbiamo odiarci anche per la religione un po' di questa musica ci invita a pensare che le guerre sono inutili e ogni essere umano di qualunque razza e' bravo in ogni suo particolare
Italy, dalmine bg
Blessed Me
Good morning how's I began to listen to this song I love the intro even the title the song really has touched me I really appreciate you sharing your music.. I would love to hear some more of your awesome classical gospel music send me information where I can listen to you are you on YouTube Pandora any other downloadable sites.. I thank you for your creativity I thank you for your deep thought of putting this song together continue to allow God to use you for his glory never stop sharing and never stop touching the world with your gifts.. thank you again enjoy your weekend may God continue to bless you and you you for His Glory thank you so much have a wonderful weekend thank you blessed ????????????????..
United States, California, Every Where
Many Are Your Charities Jesus
Gently as the Shepherd leads by the notes of this instrumental leads the Listeners blessed to come upon it's recording into a peaceful quiet shelter. Bass Cello, Super Bass and Violin and all other instruments join in a composition that is simple yet with undertones of the complexity of the music of the spheres. The notes cause the subtle strains of the heart strings being plucked to respond with relief to a soul restoration. This sound can heard by the Listeners as we wait for the notes resonating the frequencies of heaven through the living stones who are created to bring us such beautiful music. As if you wait upon the Master before putting bow to strings, in whom you possess your very Beings. Resonating as Keystones with the Lode Stone who is the Capstone Jesus Christ Our Lord. This composition strikes the chords of the Listeners hearts and souls and lifts their Spirits to hear the words spoken by the notes of the music by The Master Creator. As David calmed Saul with his harp anointed to play to put strife and demons to flight. This is how I perceive this music to be of the highest order of the Divine One blessing to the players and to His Children with His great mercy and charity of love and tender kindnesses.
United Kingdom, Tintern
The music, for string only, is well constructed and played. I think it is not for a concert hall, but instead, It would be perfectly suited for a movie. This is because the music itself is quite does not have a clear harmonic movement (it is atonal) and also rhythm is register...there is no timbre excursus, nor register excursus. It is static but perfect as a background of images, especially if the images give some movement.
Italy, Genova
Hello again and thank you kindly for the chance to review your latest track "MANY ARE YOUR CHARITIES" Which may i say that i found your composition in my personal music opinion to be very interesting and was pleased to hear that you are getting airplay of your previous works which will be of great benefit to you and help you sell your good music on line.keep at it and one day soon you will get the record deal you are looking for.
United Kingdom, Belfast
my thoughts
Hello Gor, THANKS for sharing your music. Very interesting piece. Very dynamic, subtle, and inspiring ALL at the same time. I always love your string sections, such tune, at times in this song so quiet, yet they are there. Thanks again, keep up the good work.
United States, Texas, Ft Worth
bravo continua
bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo continua bravo continua bravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo continuabravo
Italy, Bologna
Many are Your Charities
A wonderful classic song well done wow nice this AWESOME .this instrumental song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over...................... and. Over.............................they the song was put together is very unique..........................just love the way the sounds they were like instruments were spot on the vocals were sung........ perfectly........................can't say enough about this song ...................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you......................................
United States, New York, Middle village