From the Life of a Hermit - Անապատականի կյանքից

Mesrop Mashtots Մեսրոպ Մաշտոց

Song Reviews



good morning you always have good music thank you for sharing I love your music love your style keep sending me more music to check out cuz your music always bless me Keep On Blessing the world with your gifts and talents. I hope you enjoying your week so far send me more info on where I can come on your music on YouTube Spotify Pandora just send me your music links so I can share with my kids and check it out.. thank you again have a wonderful day keep on giving God the glory with your gifts and talents thank you peace..

United States, California, Every Where

Nice feel


Love the sounds of the strings and the melody, Has a mellow yet haunting sound to it. It is almost sad but yet a sound with hope behind the melancoly feel . It is a wonderful piece of work here.

United States, Washington, Sequim

Strong Melody

Hello again from Ireland and thank you for the invite to review your latest Classical Work which i found in my own personal music opinion to be a very strong musical Composition with a great performance and Produced and Recorded to a very professional standard and while Classical Music is not everyone's favourite as for me i just love it and your Classical works always fit the bill with me and this track is a good example of that top marks once again and very well done.

United Kingdom, Belfast


I like the originality of your work. Strong message and creativity is a big plus. Good production, I can hear some good vocals to this, good job on the final mix-down. I can tell you have your heart and soul into what you do. Keep on pushing and never give up or get distracted in pursuing the dream of making it. I like the instrumental blend of sounds with some vocals and the production on the track is good. Keep up the great work! Peace!!!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

From The Life of A Hermit

Dear Gor and St. Machar Ensemle, Hell. The execution of this piece seems a bit disconnected at first from the other instruments. Then it resumes and is much more cohesive at the second stage. Beautiful and sad and lovely music. I enjoyed all the parts the instruments played. Especially the Viola and Violin, oboe or was it clarinet? Thank you for posting this for all the lonely ones, your fans. Very moving

United Kingdom, Tintern

Vida de um Eremita


Amei! faça mais canções penetrantes como "Vida de um Eremita" pois toca a alma e eleva o espírito, parabéns muito obrigado Gor Hovhannisyan - Ensemble St. .por me deixar comentar sua música. Sou o cantor e compositor Clenio Marques sinto-me muito honrado e orgulhoso por isso. Que Deus continue abençoando, sucesso! sucesso! sucesso! ...

Brazil, Patos de Minas

bravo continua

bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continbravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua bravo continua ua

From the Life of a Hermit

wow nice this AWESOME .this instrumental song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song in.a thriller movie or you can sit dow and relax........................................the constructionn was put together is very unique..........................just love the way the sounds they were like instruments were spot on.... perfectly........................can't say enough about this song ...................I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thank you.................... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you......................................

United States, New York, Middle village





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