Play D & B free download


Song Reviews


The drum beat is very interesting. I like the vocals playing around each other. The delay effect adds a lot to the vocals. The midi sounding horns works well almost mixed with a string sound to them . Nice.

United States, Washington, Sequim

Nice bit of drum and bass that;s a bit dffferent

A nice drum and basc track that is a bit different but nice rhthmical flow to it. I liked it and will watch these guys in the future!! Nice feel its always good tp heat something otoginal!! Good jpb!!

United Kingdom, Oxford, England


Sending me thank you for sharing your songs very unique different style dirty south track very creative my grown looking to all types of music I'm going to produce with myself so I get an idea and what I want to do when I hear other people's music.. stay creative keep on showing it this way I'm making great music please just send me the info where I can download some of your music.. have a wonderful evening enjoy the rest of your week and God bless peace

United States, California, Every Where


Vibes I like the sounds keep doing your thing we need more good music with original sounds something new to the ear. Do you have a instagram so I can follow or Spotify would love to hear more of your music

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

back to jungle- back to 90'

real nice simle structure ,nice groove ... roll da groove - feel da groove come on baby bring me back to my first contact of this style in the 90' thank you for this ride to the feel and see the brocken virus of drum'n'bass live for ever !!!

Germany, Dresden

cool song

Really good composition. Its a Song with a deep message behind, that touches something by the listener. Keep on doing you' re Kind of music, expression you want to. I wish you really all the best for the new beginning year - 2022- Stay healthy and happy as well! Hope you'll get in a creative process to create more songs, music can heal and gives us hope all over the planet! That is what I think about it. Hope you'll understand the mean conetent ?! Greets, Judith M, Germany

Germany, Schwerin

Cool Grooves

Sharp cuts from UK in this theme, defined and contagious, the samples have the flavour and the stabs are full of energy, good caractheristics of this beat that only need a most careful mix and master. I liked it so much!

Ecuador, Ambato


decent decent decent tune is decent decent decent tune is decent decent decent tune is decent decent decent tune is decent decent decent tune is decent decent decent tune is decent

Canada, Ontario, OTTAWA

Hot Ish!

I like the sound it's original! I can feel the heart in this showing you put in some dedicated work. I like the melody and the drums and that bass drop makes the sound even better and natural, very straight forward and with some hard rhythms, that nice strong synth accents this track too, I can dig it!!! Sounds like the studio vibe was feeling the vibe I could sit back to this one and zone out!!!!! More artist should study the roots of their culture of art more to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

Top Clubsound

Good evening to you and thanks for the invite to review another one of your Dance Tracks which may I say that I found your Composition in my own Personal Music opinion to be a Top Club Dance Track that sure would get you moving on the floor,your vocals were top notch and Performance and Production was outstanding and I have nothing but praise for you and I truly enjoyed the chance to review it for you and found the whole experience very uplifting you love your music and it shows.

United Kingdom, Belfast

Dub review

Dope I love it The beat is sharp and rolling. The hi hats are tek as. Wouldn't mind hearing a bouncy Reece or moog in the baseline but the minimalism is good too. Love the vocal. This reminds me of oldskool dj hype or even Goldie bak in the day. We'll executed. Bigups! Boh!

New Zealand, Hamilton

Famo Nation Review

Great Synchronized array of instruments and sounds, the blend comes together very unique but still ear catching. The Vocal mixture is spot on and brings a different dynamic to the production. Great Sound, great tempo!

United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee





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