Sucker Bounce (Download NOW New Master)
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Song Reviews
Good afternoon thank you for sharing this club banger very unique song.. keep on making great music keep on sharing stay in touch with me keep me posted let me know if you on YouTube or rap City Spotify or any music just let me know peace. Anytime you have any other music that you want me to hear and check out please send it to me I will be glad to listen to it thank you again have a wonderful day enjoy your week God bless God bless PE
United States, California, Every Where
Nice Beat
Many thanks for the invite to review your dance track "SUCKER BOUNCE" which may i say that i found your dance composition in my personal music opinion to have some nice vibes and great vocals and harmonies with a strong dance melody and was very well performed and produced and recorded to a very professional standard,i found the whole experience very enjoyable and look forward to hearing more of your music very soon.
United Kingdom, Belfast