H2eau Projekt
Germany, Düsseldorf

About H2eau Projekt
My name is Konrad (Konny) Zimmermann and I am the founder of the H2eau Projekt. I was born in the last millennium (18. Dec. 1958) near the dutch boarder in Germany, Bocholt. Grown up with Mozart, The Beatles, Tchaikovsky, T-Rex (Marc Bolan) Genesis, Zappa, NEU, Kraftwerk, CAN, War, James Brown, Prince, my music is as multifaceted and chaotic as the water. An I love the Water. I was 11 as I watched the Moon landing on TV live with my mother and the whole family. "A small step for a human being, a big step for humanity," said Neil Armstrong, the first human being on the moon at the time. We, the whole of humanity, watched the television live and kept our fingers crossed - prayed for the astronauts that everything should go well for them. The belief in world peace was in many hearts.
I belive that our fate lies in the water. If we save, help, cherish, Oceans, Rivers - our nature, we will manage a good future for all of us to make .
I create music and art with the elixir of life - water.
Water is the basic instrument of my H2eau AQUAPHONIE sound.
Acrylic glass bowls filled with water, equipped with hydrophones are the main components of my "H2eau water drum" (Many Thanks to Ambient Recording).
I play World Music, Chillout Sounds, Electronic Beats, Rock, Pop, and Jazz themes with my H2eau Waterdrum. The sounds will instantly immerse the audience into a world of new listening experiences, driven by a unique liquid touch.
Any H2Eau rythmics and beats are played live in and with water. Songs, Sound elements and grooves are linked to water poetry of famous lyricists (Heine, Goethe, Laotse ....) and also to compositions of Debussy, Smetana and Rimsky-Korsakow.
All rhythms of the songs (Love Youe Ocean / The Shore / Save the Water ...) are played live with the H2eau Waterdrum.
Acrylic glass bowls filled with water, equipped with hydrophones (underwater microphones) of the company "Ambient Recording" are the main components of my "H2eau Waterdrum".Youll dive in to an unexpected listening experience.
The highly sensitive hydrophones translate finest nuances, without any noise or feedback, and the water is making its own unique sound.
My Target!
Through my doing and creating and through my music I want to help protect and save our ocean with all my might.
My songs are declarations of love to mother ocean. I hope everyone who hears my newest songs "Love Your Ocean", "Save the Water", is inspired to do everything possible for our blue wonder. Let us all together fight with creativity, joy and diligence for our blue wonder pearl.
Love & Peace Konny
H2eau projekt has no Merchandise yet.
Past Events
Jun 24
6:00 PM
All Ages
H2eau meets Skyray 1.1. Extraschicht 2017 Tauchrevier Gasometer
Germany, Duisburg, pin TauchRevierGasometer Emscherstr. 71, Landschaftsparks Duisburg Nord 47137 Duisburg
Oct 05
9:00 PM
All Ages
Toskana Therme
Germany, Bad Orb Horststraße 1, 63619 Bad Orb, 5. Oktober 21:00 - 1:00 Von 5. Oktober um 21:00 bis 6. Oktober um 1:00, 63619
Nov 03
6:00 PM
All Ages
Toskana Therme Bad Sulza
Germany, Bad Sulza, Bad Sulza Wunderwaldstraße 2a 99518 Bad Sulza
Sep 11
7:30 PM
All Ages
H2eau pre-release concert - H2eau Sound laboratory
Germany, Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Ackerstraße 11
May 22
1:00 AM
All Ages
Rathaus Korschenbroich
Germany, Düsseldorf, Don-Bosco-Straße 6, 41352 Korschenbroich
Jun 08
8:00 PM
All Ages
Stadtstrand - Tonhallenufer
Germany, Düsseldorf, Stadtstrand-Düsseldorf Tonhallenufer 51,230441, 6,770975

Jan 21
10:00 AM
All Ages
Germany, Düsseldorf, Convention Center Düsseldorf East entrence, metrostation Messe Ost Buss 722, stop: Messe Osteingang Hall 13, Stand: 13C26, 40001 Düsseldorf

Mar 22
7:30 PM
All Ages
Kunstraum Kö106
Germany, Düsseldorf, 40215 Düsseldorf Königsallee 106 Kunstraum Kö106, 40215

Jun 08
8:00 AM
All Ages
World Ocean Day 2023 - Stadt Strand Düsseldorf
Germany, Düsseldorf, Kunst- und Kulturstrand an der Oberkasseler Brücke, 51,230947, 6,770979
Jun 15
4:00 PM
All Ages
Stadion der Träume
Germany, Düsseldorf, Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz Düsseldorf HBF https://maps.app.goo.gl/V52WDqBazuufY1dGA, 40227

Jan 19
10:00 AM
All Ages
boot Düsseldorf
Germany, Düsseldorf, Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf, 4,474

Jan 20
10:00 AM
All Ages
boot Düsseldorf
Germany, Düsseldorf, Messeplatz, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf Deutschland , 40474

Jan 21
10:00 AM
All Ages
boot Düsseldorf
Germany, Düsseldorf, https://www.boot.de/de/Home/boot_HomMesseplatz, Stockumer Kirchstraße 61, 40474 Düsseldorf Deutschland , 40474

Mar 22
6:00 PM
All Ages
Germany, Düsseldorf, H2eau Klanglabor Ackerstr. 11 40233 Düsseldorf