
Hi everyone, so sorry I haven't spoke to ya'all. I haven't made my situation known but now would probably be a good time to do so. About a year ago my doctors told me I'm in stage 4 of liver cirrhosis. Secondary to hep c. Basically a year to live. I'm too late to get on the transplant list. Unless I find a comparable liver on my own. First course of action was to get rid of the hepatitis which I did. I was sick as hell all winter. So the hep c is no longer eating my liver as quick as it regenerates. I need to come up with alot of money to get potential donors tested and even more money to pay for the actual transplant. I dont know how to get the donations part put together. Does anyone have any ideas? I could use some help or I'm gonna die and soon. I haven't even picked up my guitar in over two years until a couple of days ago. I'm gonna try and put some new music out there before I die. So watch for that. Thank you all for listening to my songs. If ya have any ideas.please let me know ok. Love you all. Rock on!