New Song Upload: End of Days!
Happy Day! I want to thank you all for your interest in our group and our music. We exist only to praise His Name! I am still trying to get the hang of N1M, but I am amazed at all of the wonderful artists and listeners here.
I've just added our second song. It's a rocker called End of Days. This was recorded back when we were just a foursome and features some great drums by Dan and spacey keyboards from Lisa. Maria even plays a little bass on it. And that's me singing and playing the tripped out guitar (you can have a lot of fun with pedals and processors, even if you don't know what you are doing!)
It's a jaunty little number that asks that musical question, are you ready for the end of days?
We hope you enjoy it! Have a Blessed Day!
Pat Connell for Heart-Beat!