An Unknown Realized Next Where

How phase forgot BRAIN FEVER reaches unfound Thought along changes
A Lifted Dream of Anything so Far
Sleep, Awake
Satisfaction of Madness unseen belief Memorization Philosophizing …If Ending Things Not Quite Done ? Realizing More Unknown While Happening TIMENOWDOES All the along All the while because of ways unthought chance to realize dreams reflected Unrealized Nightmare taint ideas forming ORPHANEDTHOUGHT
A Strange Place
Like how surrounded Darkest Dark and somehow found thought prey soul and mind carnivore creation from unknown as could not quite, Imagine ever ‘cause anyone seen everyone has a way reach as it goes on because of what? Again by the decade hour years slip past as the Last Day seemed forever History of Science how it goes and to so far Where Came Again as Hey, Ten Loss and to What’s NEXT?
For Time As Does
World Changes
As How
Now is Why
Before and the Way it Was
Comes Out, Forgotten Page
List Of Differing Ways
And Now Those Miles Upon Miles of Thought
On Other Dreams
Become Recognized As How Living With It So Far Again Amounts all Layering aside from convolutions some reason don’t want to and so… Arrive believed so then believe goes to there until beyond here and now how it does If Then Does may as how did variate
Wandering mind
Way of
Guess was
The Very Nature of the Thing