Innocent Guns
9 years ago


First off I would like to say thank you. Thank you for all your support and personal messages. It's nice for a change to hear what you think about our music. For those of you that don't know, the four songs we have up are from our debut album Belle (named after my cat) who is also on the album cover. I just want to give you a bit of context to the music. None of the songs were specifically written about my cat, she was simply always around when I was writing these tunes (even more than my band mates) . We do have two more songs from Belle, but I consider them to be the "special" songs and don't want to put them online for free at this point. That being said, please don't be angry, I'm not trying to withhold music from you, I simply cannot give away all our work for free. If you would like to support us or simply want to purchase our album, wait! Don't do it yet!!! Let me explain. I recently had the album re-mastered and added two bonus tracks (total of 8 songs now) . So if you want to buy the album, wait until the reissue is out. If you have a preference for where you buy music such as ITunes or wherever, let me know and I will make it happen. At the end of the day if you simply just want to listen to our music, power to you. Your support is amazing!!! Fraser





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