I See Zero
Greece, Νέο Ηράκλε&#953
I See Zero
I See ZeroI See Zero

I See Zero

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About I See Zero

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(expired link) He was born on February 3rd in Athens to a Greek father and an Irish mother. His first 12 years were spend living in Athens and the other 12 years living in Ireland(Cork).Its in Ireland, at the age of 15,that he got his first taste of being a musician by getting an acoustic guitar as a present for Christmas. Since then he has never looked back. That's when Panos Karkalas one fine summer locked himself in his room took his acoustic guitar and started writing many songs endlessly. Soon after that he and another good friend decided to record some of these songs in a house. The recording procedure was filled with experimenting on all instruments and trying different melodies on the vocals. Slowly he was finding his steps. Once the recording was completed Panos booked a ticket and came to back to Athens to try his luck in finding venues in which he could perform his songs to the crowds. There were a few places in which he performed and also found himself performing on the streets of Athens sharing his feelings and music with passerbies. All that proved hard and he wasn't prepared correctly. So he decided to return back to Ireland. There he decided to re-record all the tracks and more

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