James Dore
10 years ago

My music Broadcasting around the world on FM Radio Stations!

News Flash! My music is being broadcast on KWSS in the USA which attracts 18,000+ listeners, YJT FM in Spain, UWS FM Radio and K107 in Scotland, a number of FM stations in New Zealand, along with a large number of other Digital and Internet stations around the world. We are now on world wide FM Radio! A full list of the stations can be found at: www.deucemp.com/deuce_show.html Thanks once again for all of the support!!! Couldn't do a thing without you! Cheers, James P.S. I haven't officially revealed my new website yet but I thought you true fans should be the first to see it. Check it out here: http://www.jamesdoreworld.com/ You can connect with me on any of my social media platforms, buy cool merchandise, hear music & music video sign up to my newsletter and gain instant access to touring and much more! And feel free to let me know what you think. I always appreciate your feedback. Thanks!





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