James Doré is back with his new single, "Shadows".

James Doré is back with his new single, "Shadows". Dore's haunting rock themed single infused with an infectious Trap beat delves into the struggle of overcoming discouragement & depression over 350 million people deal with worldwide. "Just because your past didn't turn out the way you wanted doesn't mean your future can't be great. In my pain I always remind myself, 'He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty'. And the absolute best and brightest days lay ahead of us" -James Doré
"More new music coming this summer! It's been a long time coming folks but I'll be at KMG Studios in Denver, Colorado this summer working feverishly with Greg Kimble and my daughters Jada, Zoe and Lexi to finish up my highly anticipated album BLAZE! Thanks for all of the love, support and questions about the album and the new music. It's helped push me to finish what I started years ago. I'm extremely excited about the new songs! And of course preforming them around the country! We'll get you that new heat ASAP!"
-James Dore