Jay Denton
6 years ago

Brand New Single, "Call My Own" Released Today!

Hey Team, As always, thank you for listening to and supporting my music - Ya'll are the ones that make it possible for me to do this and keep making music and pushing my creative limits. Today I just released a brand new single, that will be the start of a lot of new music coming out in 2018. Very soon I'll put it up on Number One Music, but in the meantime, check it out here on Spotify or on iTunes and let me know what you think! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/2rgWJFwqBOcjy5CNXci52i?si=L__A3aktTC25ysAQ4r6udA iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/call-my-own-single/1355819603 Here's the story behind the song, for those (like me) that want the backstory.... Almost 2 years ago I was at a crossroads. I was considering leaving the music industry and pausing the #ENDURE network I’ve been building to purse a career in special forces - a world where I fit in better with my skill sets and mentality than the music industry oftentimes. I wanted to keep building ENDURE, but it seemed like a constant uphill battle. I was driving home the night I was making the decision and heard a song on the radio that reminded me why I’ve chosen this path and why it’s worth it even with all its ups and downs. So I went home and started writing this song and recorded the demo the next day in the tiny apartment space I had. This song is special to me because it marks the moment I officially decided to build #ENDUREStudios and to keep the vision of building a bridge between mainstream culture and the people on the ground fighting for justice for oppressed kids. Then when I came to produce the song this year I started re-recording all of the vocals, but there was something honest about those originals that were recorded in the moment in a terrible recording space, with my friend @thejakegreen in the room next door wondering what the hell was happening - so I kept the original vocals. Now this song is for anyone who is fighting an uphill battle in a hard place and has ever thought about throwing in the towel. It’s for you whose dreams and current realities seem to be so far from each other that you think about quitting and wonder why you ever chose this path to begin with. I hope you find a place you can call your own, and I hope you this song reminds you that it’s worth it. Love y'all and thank y'all! JD





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