Jay Denton
7 years ago

Download my full album FREE!

Hey Team, I'm very grateful for the response you have been giving me for my music and for the support. Obviously the music means a lot to me, and it's been great seeing it resonate with so many of you as well! I've got some really big new developments this year and will be excited to share those with you when they're official! In the meantime, I've put my full album "LOCKED" up on Noisetrade for a free download for you since you've been so supportive! I won't be keeping this up there for very long because I've got new music just about to come out ; ) SO....click or paste this link into your browser and you can download "LOCKED" Right Now! https://tinyurl.com/j45ftlm Thank you again for your support in this journey, and I hope you love all of the music you hear! Strength and Honor, Jay





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