Nashville Bound.....

Greetings All,
I hope this finds you well, happy and enjoying the wonderful Independent Music on N1M! I'm excited to announce that this coming Saturday, April 23rd at 8:30pm CST - I'll be appearing live on the "Nashville Side Streets" show - a worldwide, HD broadcast you can catch online at:
This is a wonderful show highlighting Independent Artists every week for 45 minutes or more, following each song the host Ronnie Dean, asks the performers brief questions about the song. Viewers can text, tweet and email questions they'd like him to ask and he always uses a few. If you like my music, this is a rare opportunity to learn more about my career in music and my songwriting. Episodes are recorded and saved on the site so if you can't catch live, you can visit the site anytime after the performance and tune it in. For several reasons I've been unable to perform out regularly for nearly two years, that recently changed and this is a fabulous way for me to begin my comeback to full time performing. I've been collaborating with fellow N1M Artist, Errol Wayne - a fabulous Singer/Songwriter and I'm happy to say he'll be joining me and playing a few of his tunes. It's the first public appearance of a new musical duo that will be releasing an album and performing together live this summer as "Hayford N Wayne" - watch for a new N1M page with that title.
Recently a big bonus was added as we were booked to perform at the famous "Sam's Jam" Songwriter Showcase - right on Music Row, Weds. the 27th! It's hard to imagine a better way to comeback and launch a new act other than the first two performances in Nashville. We'll be there for a week and I know many songwriters and performers there, so there won't be a dull moment! We'll be filming our adventure which will also include a trip to Memphis where I'll have an opportunity to play some blues with a smoking hot band - followed by a visit to Graceland. So there will be many new photos on my N1M page and when we return we'll be right in the studio so brand new songs will be coming as well!
If you do catch the show, I hope you'll let me know - honest constructive criticism is welcome! The show's producer as well as a publisher and label rep caught my songs "Hear Him Sing" and "Bad Attitude" when both were in the top 5 on N1M charts and all called me. The only offer I accepted so far was to appear on the live broadcast, however I will be meeting with several industry reps while there and my fingers are crossed as there's serious interest in several of my songs. Last time I attached "Hear Him SIng" so I was going to attach another until I discovered there's over 400 new subscribers. To those of you who got my last message, I apologize for attaching the same song but it seems appropriate for me to send the song that landed me this gig to all those new to the list.
HAPPY SPRING! I wish you all the best and can't thank you enough for your support and wonderful messages. I'll write again after the trip, hopefully with some good Nashville stories to tell! I am by the way also a freelance writer and contribute to several music industry related blogs and a few of my own, if you're interested in my articles and short stories let me know, I'll send all the links. I'm also the founder of A4H(tm) Arts4Humanity, a not-for-profit Social Enterprise dedicated to promoting Indie Music and Artists while raising funds and awareness for humanitarian causes - message me if you'd like to learn more about A4H, which has a considerable following and will be launching a new website and publishing company by May 1st. --- Stay Well, Safe and Keep The Music Playing!
My Very Best Regards and Thanks To You All,
~Jeff Hayford