jeremiah davincii
United States, New York, Bronx

About jeremiah davincii
Born in queens and raised in the South Bronx, Jeremiah is the total package, lyrically and musically. 19 years ago, a young Jerrime Hill and a few of his friends got into a fresh and new thing called hip-hop and set out to pursue their dreams. After years of time in the studio, talent shows, managers selling fake promises, Jerrime watched as his boys fell to the sidelines, only to leave a young Jerrime all alone with a dream. With determination, Jerrime changed his stage name to “Jeremiah”, which is the root of his real name, which means “exalted by God.” With a new found swagger and sound, Jeremiah put out his own albums, produced his own music, and made his own coming attractions and videos. The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:10, “I place my words in your mouth this day and set you over nations and kingdoms.” When Jeremiah’s on the mic, you can sense a Godly force and power, but don’t take our word for it, just listen and as the slogan says........stay focused!!!!
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