Song Reviews

I felt your soul


beautiful i am privaleged to screen sorry a bit late but the notificationsd are , not always seen beautiful voice , grest production,, wish you great success kNowledge oF truTh so thank you , was a privaledge to, be asked, to listen

United States, New Mexico, alburque

Much Drama & Feeling


Pretty opening and vocals to go with everything that sets up the incredible mood of the work. Amazing atmosphere is created right away in the body of the musical arrangement. Dramatic song story with much feeling and well done. Excellent ending.

United States, Pennsylvania, Lester



This tune has a very nice acoustic flavour of 60-70s pops as I remembered, including Joan Baez, PP&M, and CSN&Y. Your voice has a natural effect to bring me back to my teenage nostalgia. I often feel that music has the power of a time machine that instantly renders the old days pictures in our mind. The street where you met a girl, the small cafe, deserted beach with a cold winds... It opens up the door of a safe kept deep inside your heart of memories. Stay safe and keep the music playing.

Japan, Yokohama

Deep Inside ... Jessica


A wonderful clean quality recording very professional sounding captures the listener from the start and the poetry of the lyrics is subtle and well crafted .. some creative and subtle double tracking on the vocals a pleasure to listen to both for the message of the song and the hard work that has gone in production of the track congratulations to you for this performance .. and the technical work put in to this track ..add to your play list press play you won’t be disappointed. Best regards Stephen

United Kingdom, Gloucester

"Deep Inside" the Review


Nice work. very solid, easy to pallet, non intrusive, hum along tune. thought the vocal entanglement at the chorus was spot on. For such a held back driving guitar work, the tune comes off easy and still allows the emotion of the lyrics+melody to come across. Fantastic downmix. the note arranged and placed at the words "..spring.."(scent) and "..see..." (the pain) and ""(of life) sends chills down my skin. beautifully arranged. I really like the fact that the harmony part to the vocals in the song, especially at the chorus, doesn't bang the tenor against the wall. the front vocals were never lost in the shuffle and the lyrics spilled nicely. The harmony was low toned yet maintained it's opposing harmonic position perfectly. Loved your work. The melody really.

United States, Louisiana, Delcambre

Voice with style


Wow that voice is killer and I love the driving of your songs,this isn’t a review about a particular song it’s about you.i love your voice,one of the best I’ve heard I sincerely hope you’re succeeding in your pursuit of music.i don’t give out this kind of feedback often,maybe never but your god given talent is superb. Too many sound like someone else and where you have popular albeit overused by many techniques in your vocal delivery you use them all correctly,never too much,at the right times and make them sound real and new.wowmike corry

United States, Oregon, cannon beach

Deep Inside


Ooh what a voice its so clear and beautiful .This Song is so wonderful and openend my heart. The Mix of the Track is exellent you can hear all Instruments the stereosound is perfect..Thank you for listen that Song.Greats from Germany G.W.Scott

Germany, Petershagen

Deep Inside: A Very Good Work, by Jessica.

This song is very interesting and nice listening to! The sound is acoustic but mixed with electric guitars as well. The harmony is very good with the instrument and the beautiful voice. The tune with the verses and choruses also link very well together. I hear that both the singer and the musicians sing and play with lots of inspiration and that also makes the listener inspired. The lyrics is also well thought out and is well unifiied to the music. Well done Jessica!

Sweden, Alingsas



Jessica, there is something very nice about your song. Strength mixed with tender singing. Some of the guitar cords make a little crashes with the bass line, but it doesn't feel like wrong, it just gives more power to the song. A little bit like a song of a protest. Keep creating!

Spain, Madrid

Unique music


good evening thank you so much for allowing me three beers home I love the unique mystic the cleverness of the song I really appreciate the sound as well put together well composed very clear thank you for sharing. Never stop making music never stopped sharing your gifts and talents with the world keep on going to the next level no matter what never stand sign of a box. Cuz I listen to all types of music. Grove listen to Jazz Rock gospel r&b just to name a few. Keep me informed on any music thank you Jen Bush and have a blessed day enjoy your upcoming weekend God

United States, California, Every Where

very nice song :)


nice voice, i like the arc of the song.very sweet lyrics :) definitely would listen to this song again, kudos. the strings and arrangement are also very nice, I like the drum parts as well, very well done.

United States, California, san francisco

Deep inside


Hi Jessica, I really liked your song, as well as your beautiful voice with a very beautiful timbre. Music production is also well done, congratulations and good luck in continuing this work. Guitar greetings and kisses from Lisbon!

Portugal, Lisbon



quitte a faire une promo autant le faire avec une artiste francophone. avous de voir si son univers fait partie du votre je vous laisse libre court à l'ecoute bonne journée à tous et a bientot pour de nouveau partage

France, Berck


Love your voice although flat in a couple places. Good backup tracks, nice lyrics. Almost feels and sounds like a gospel tune All in all very good tune. Didn't care for the way the song was ended. Felt like it just fell into the outer would have liked maybe an instrumental turnaround at the end.

United States, Florida, Micanopy



Nice strong vocal lead, I like the production sound and mix of strings and I can feel the heart in this showing you've put in some dedicated work on your art. More artist should study the roots of their culture of art to be better at their own art. Keep up the good work and stay in the lab creating new material to stay fresh and on your toes. If you're ever looking for a hip hop collaboration hit me up I'm versatile. Peace!

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill



This brings me some strong Kate Bush vibes blended with Alanis Morrisette. Love the melody and acoustic guitar, both are just beautiful. Nicely mixed and produced as well! Well done, great job!

United States, Washington, Vancouver

Superbe voix


Bonjour, Je me permets d'écrire la revue en français que je pense qu'étant Belge de Hainaut vous êtes aussi francophone. Très jolie chanson, de plus je la trouve bien écrite et bien emmenée. Que dire... La qualité de l'enregistrement est très bonne. Très bien chantée et jouée. J'apprécie le fait que les secondes voix sont bien faites et sont dans le temps (parfois on entend des chansons où ce n'est pas le cas et ça fait mal à la musique.) Si je pouvais amener une critique constructive, ce qui est difficile car la chanson est très bien montée, je mettrais plus de brillance en intro quand la guitare est seule. Peut-être en rajouter une en contre-jeu. Quoi qu'il en soit, je tiens à vous féliciter pour votre travail. Je prends plaisir depuis à l'écouter plusieurs fois dans la journée. Musicalement, Tony Amantini.

France, Nice

A nice pop ballad


The song "Deep inside" starts out like a classic power ballad often do, acoustic and naken. A strong lead vocal very much in pitch that probably does´t always need the overdubbing. Though some harms from the backingvocals mixed the right way is always a winner. It is always a matter of opinion, but my personal feel is that this song is a very good pre production, meaning that with the right producer, some changes in the instrumentation and recorded in a pro studio, this song would really shine. I would prefer going through the english lyrics and considering changing some words here and there, but hey ! Overall, WOW ! I really love this song. All the best -Kris

Norway, Drammen

bella voce


riascolto con piacere la tua bella voce e la tua bella canzone... una dolcezza che oggi raramente si ascolta... grazie per donare la tua arte.. anche la registrazione è molto buona..è proprio un piacere ascoltarti

Italy, Aulla

Five stars that come from deep inside of my heart


I like the song writing. Good vocal performance. The chorus effect on the vocals gives power to the voice. Good effect with this second voice. Well performed, recorded, mixed and mastered.

Austria, Vienna





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