Na Na Na Wunderbar

Jett Alinia

Song Reviews



Great song as you said for the next party! Very catchy. I also like when you did the Bridge then went to your Instrumental. The chorus was easy enough to follow. You did a nice job this track!

Canada, Ontario, Thornhill



Fantástica canción para bailar y pasar un buen rato, buena selección en la instrumentación sin recargarse, ritmo pegadizo y estribillo también pegadizo, buena canción para pasar un buen rato en la disco con los amigos, muy divertida. Fantastic song to dance and have a good time, good selection in the instrumentation without recharging, catchy rhythm and chorus also catchy, good song to have a good time on the disc with friends, very funny.

Spain, Sevilla

The beats.


I tell you, where have you been, nice groove of this song I have enjoyed everything about your music the bridge is a blast joining with the chorus oh my, this is wonderful. The voices when harmonizing is perfect thanks you've made my day.

Kenya, Nairobi

good beat


good beat nice beat great fun and peppy and get up song... na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

United States, Ohio, Dayton

Good job

I'm liking your music the vybz is just right... Continue putting in the work as you are your way to greatness. I Wish all the best for your music, blessings on top of blessings throughout the journey

Jamaica, Kingston



Thus song put me in a dance mood. The singer has a nice tone. He could use more energy in his voice. I like the na na na- I like the overall song. I feel now a day you need more energy in your dance song to get people on the dance floor. I would recommend remixing the intro to hype people up.

United States, North Carolina, Greensboro

Great summertime track !


This is a great song to dance on when you at the beach having fun ...i am from Germany and listening to this i kinda do miss those awesome days i had there having fun at the beach with friends listening to similar songs ...just had a blast there ! ...keep up the great work my friend ! ...i love it ! ,,hugs , Moony :) <3

United States, Colorado, Colorado Springs



A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step never giving up”. He is now on his way to evolving into the next great musical Legend to emerge from the corridors of Jamaica. Great job. keep it up.

Jamaica, Spanish Town

Na Wunderbar REVIEW


this song has a dance feel for the club! the mix sounds professional and the hook is catchy. the mastering is loud. the vocal performance is strong and the guitar playing is funky. the beat is very good. the song has a whoo hooo section which is rocking. the bridge is also set in the proper place in the song. the break down is well placed. overall this song is a success. the recording is great. i do not know this language so i can not comment on the lyrical content, but it clearly a party song.

United States, California, San Francisco

Na Na Na...interesting mix


Well I just don't know what to say guess Ill start with the production. It sounds very much like a quality track with good production values. The vocalist seems plausible and decent for this genre. I dont understand a word but i enjoyed the rhythm and the beat. it sounds like it could do well in Germany but then again Im not versed on whats Hot or what types of music or songs are viable for Germany. Im not sure if its a radio "Hit" as alot of American music does well on the charts In Europe. I probably wouldn't play it on my show but its ok for a fun song and probably a good time in the club. Thanks for giving me some joy for a few minutes.

United States, North Carolina, Lexington

This bad


Mi like it it sound good bad song only mi don't understand German but it's head bopping yea man have bopping my head keep doing it man energy energy loving it music is life up with it bless

Jamaica, Kingston



Na na na wunderbar by Jett Alinia is a very exciting track. It's catchy and infectious without sounding cheesy. Energy oozes from every beat and your foot will tap with the dynamic and soul of the song.

United Kingdom, Derby



I really like the song it is a nice party song well composed and well put together very unique and creative everything about the song I really like I grew up listening to all types of music keep on making great music and I would like to hear more of your music hope this been helpful for you have a blessed day and may God bless you in all your endeavors.

United States, California, Every Where



i really like the vibe of this record!1 Very up beat and fun! when i traveled to Denmark i had the chance to listen to music like this in there native language and i grew to love it even though i don't understand the words its the feeling that i pay attention too! In this song it reminds me of a classic electro Scandinavian song!! nice work!!! many blessings your friend T

United States, California, Woodland hills


Musicis anartform andculturalactivity whose medium issoundorganized intime. The common elements of music arepitch(which governsmelodyandharmony),rhythm(and its associated conceptstempo,meter, andarticulation),dynamics(loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities oftimbreandtexture(which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musicalsound). Differentstyles or typesof music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. Music is performed with a vast range ofinstrumentsand vocal techniques ranging fromsingingtorapping; there are solelyinstrumental pieces,solely vocal pieces(such assongswithout instrumentalaccompaniment) and pieces that combinesinging and instruments. The word derivesfromGreekμουσική(mousike; "art of theMuses").[1]

Jamaica, Kingston





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