Jimmie Black
United States, Missouri, Florissant
About Jimmie Black
To this day, Jimmie remembers his dad, waking the kids on Sunday mornings with praise and worship to God. And, it is this same call to awaken the Church today to praise and Worship that leads Jimmie Black in Ministry.
At age 10, Jimmie began singing for his church in Miami. In 1995, after some personal struggles, Jimmie began singing for his Lord Jesus Christ. Married with four children, Jimmie and his wife Gwen are raising their daughter Amanda, and their three sons, Jordan, Christopher, and Gabriel in Florrisant, MO.
Jimmie's tenor voice and dynamic range is featured with the Holy of Holies Ministries and with Nick Christian Coetzee of Rain Music. On other albums, Jimmie has provided professional backup for songwriter/producer Lenny LeBlanc and for Christian recording artists Kelly Willard, Paul Wilbur, Michael Hohman, LaMar Boschman (The Rebirth Of Music), and well-known tenor, Charles Billingsly.
Across the USA, Jimmie has ministered to many messianic congregations including those under the leadership of Rabbi Michael Wolf, Rabbi Steve Wilder, Rabbi Jeff Adler, Rabbi Eric Tokajer, and Rabbi Charles Kluge, Adonai has shown his spirit in the worship experiences at our many events. Jimmie has also ministered to Christian churches such as Pastor Steven Strader’s Ignited Church in Lakeland, Florida; Pastor Phil Derstine’s Christian Retreat in Bradenton, Florida, Beit B'resheet (expired link), Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Pastor Walter Harvey’s Parkland Assembly of God in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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Past Events
Mar 04
7:00 PM
All Ages
Worship and the Word
United States, Missouri, Bridgeton, 11510 Old St. Charles Rd , 63044
Mar 26
2:00 PM
All Ages
Eitz Chiam
United States, Texas, Richardson, Texas , 650 West Campbell Ave., Richardson, Texas 75080, 75080