Covid-19 Will Prayerfully Be Past Us Soon
As a deeply spiritual person, I have been praying for humankind over this past year. We have endured such difficulty and have lost much but, I am believing this will come to an end soon. I hope that YOU and yours have successfully passed through this time as well as can be expected.
I thank each of you who have sent the occasional message of encouragement in letting me know how my music has touched you on some level. Please know that YOU are not alone and YOU are very important! Your uniqueness is an added glimmer of light to this thing we call the human race. May you be at peace and discover the comfort of knowing that we are not alone, no matter the distance between us. I have some other music I hope to add but as for now that is not possible. Please continue to listen to what I have uploaded and hopefully I can soon make them available through this venue.
Much love and prayers to you and yours.