What's going on people!
Please forgive me for not sending out my appreciation sooner. I JUST checked out an email stating that I'm number 40 whatever out of 100 and this and that and that I'm in the top 100 which is awesome! I obviously couldn't have done it without listeners like all of yous! So thank you for taking an interest in my creative side. I do it for fun. I haven't been able to work on anything for quite some time now due to a growing relationship/family, a successful career choice which will in the end and very soon? Bring a prosperous life in many ways. Ie) welding annnd then life in gereral has been just insane these last 3 years. But just to let yous in on a little secret? I do have a lot of earlier stuff floating around the reverbnation page and a lot of new beats and lyrics (that will be posted on this site) which have yet to be completed coming some day soon when I find time alright?!
Again I express my gratitude out to each and every one of you for digging The Makk's style
"Never Give up Never Give In Never Quit"on your dreams and ambitions ---JoeEmakk