Thank you!
Carl Jung was psychoanalyzing some poor young woman who was telling him about a dream where she was presented with a golden scarab beetle. He heard a tapping at the window and reached out and caught a scarabaeid and showed it to her.
It was a breakthrough.
From this, he developed the theory of Synchronicity with a capital "S": the idea of using coincidence as a philosophy. Of course, there is nothing new in this. People have been assigning meaning to serendipity since before Christ was a corporal.
A similar idea is that of the Zen Koan: a phrase which, when spoken at exactly the right time, provides a form of enlightenment. Such as: "Does a dog have a Buddha nature?"
I believe that every day, we hear somebody say something that could cause a personal epiphany, if we were just open to listening to it.
For instance, yesterday, I was walking to Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and I passed by two parents who, with their tiny children, were getting out of a car.
She said to him: "Well, why don't you have five hands?"