There's An Answer

Can You Hear My Voice

Song Reviews


I think this mix is well. Everything sounds even. I love the lyrics. The lyrics will reach many people going through those problems and issues. I do have an issue with the long musical moments between the vocals. It might lose some listeners. Maybe a guitar solo on one of them.

United States, Alabama, Gallion

An honest Testimony

Though the title gives away the subject matter, "There's an answer" is a life filled emotional/Inspirational song that really gets you feeling like Jesus IS the answer. With a a calming guitar base, an emotional cinematic build, and a confessional lyric talent, This song is Definitely one tat you should put in you contemporary playlist. It is true confession.

United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

There's an answer

Hi sorry im now getting back to you i just had a chance to hear this song i love the song its encouraging love the words and the music overall,its a go i believe you will get great response from your listeners,yes Jesus is the answer

United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

very good

Greetings good music and lyrics is a blessing to make music with meaning and purpose I encourage you to continue working for God knowing that work for him is not in vain and we will have our reward hug greetings from Venezuela

Venezuela, Barinas

There's An Answer.

I think the over all sound and mix of the song is very good. I don't find any faults with the song at all and is easy to listen to.. The voice is quite good, the melody and lyrics flow very well, nicely written song, I like it.

Canada, British Columbia, Duncan

An Answer

Over all I thought the music was nice and soft, the vocals were nice as well. The lyrics contained a powerful message, and the song as a whole was executed well.Many Blessings to you and your ministry!

United States, Kentucky, Danville

Wonderful Song

I am not English - but I have understood that it is a song about Jesus. Your vocals are so full of love for Jesus - I can feel it so really. But you was asking about mix and so. For my taste all sounds good, maybe the instruments a little bit louder or the vocals lower - only a little bit. I can hear it glassclear. Another reviewer wrote about much reverb ... but I cannot hear too much reverb on your vocals. Keep your good work - songs, sung with much love.

Germany, Duisburg

Encouraging and Passionate

I felt the heart in your tune! I liked the pace as it was just you crying out to God and you were telling a story about Jesus. A few words were a little hard to make out but all in all the vocals was generally clear. It would have been nice to have heard a solo in their as it is a 4 plus minute song. Perhaps doing a different mix on the song would help also. Developing a good mix in a song goes a lone way. Keep it up!

Canada, British Columbia, Victoria

Great orchestration. ..

Absolutely love the orchestration in this song. Good mix and blend as well. Very timely lyric and drew me in from the beginning. I believe you can get a good following from this song. If I could suggest one thing perhaps put a little less reverb on your mic but overall very good song and performance.

United States, North Carolina, Wilmington

Nice Composition

Enjoyed listen to your song. Keep up the good work for the Kingdom of God, It has blessed me. The anointing of your music is really a blessing and I know many will be blessed as they listen to your music.

United States, Alabama, Birmingham

Sounds good

Your song sounds nice and i like the fact that you are leading them to the light :) Keep up the good work with your songwriting because many need to hear such lyrics.

United States, Illinois, Chicago

Some Things Need Never Change

This song shows how simple love will always be, well lets say the love in Jesus. The strings and guitar are good to show the ballad of this song. Ballads always reminds me that love is good and real somewhere and through someone, something that don't ever need to change. A song to relax and get away from the noise of the world.

United States, Indiana, Indianapolis

there's an answer

ye grate music yes grate lyrics yes grate voice and performance so on even excellent so i gave it a top score yes i love this song and all the songs i herd from you it is a song that people just want to listen more of like i have said your got that special talent from GOD in my opinion and i recond in many peoples opinions hope for others also as everyone as we pray i like this song so much i want to hear it over and over grate work keep it up in the lord and do keep in touch ok

Australia, Warragul 3820

Love it!!

Great heartfelt message... The music is glorious by the way and te mix sounded pretty good to me.. Maybe you could have been bled into it a bit more but that's probably the anal musician in me but otherwise I think it's fine. In the beginning verses I heard a few notes that maybe could have been flat but I'm not sure if you meant to sing as if you were almost taking ot not. But overall I loved what I heard. Da Liberal Soul

United States, Texas, Dallas

There's An Answer Review

I think the song has very good musical structure, nothing is overpowering one another. I could see this song reaching very far on the christian radio market.

Australia, Adelaide

Review of "There's An Answer

Definite & powerful message for those hurting. You will be able to reach many we can't because they just don't like our "style" of music. the only suggestions I can think of (keep in mind we are Southern Gospel, Country Gospel) try not to slur your words, hold those notes & lyrics straight. To me that gives a stronger feeling of sincerity instead of "showmanship". there are countless numbers of talented showmen but few sincere "MESSENGERS". I honestly feel you are one of the SINCERE.

United States, Georgia, BLAIRSVILLE

Regarding Your Song

Thank you for sending this too me, I love your music, and it has a lot of potiential! If you are interested in being promoted you can contact us! AOK PROMOTION&PRODUCTION

United States, Georgia, Chatsworth





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