The Fickel Finger Of Fate!

There are those who belive only Fate brings them to and through stuff in life! I belive fate has a name and it is the will and wishes of one greater than us all, Jesus Christ! He only desires a closer relationship with you so that He can increase the flow of blessings in your life! Good music, singing whatever form it takes from rock n Roll, Gospel, Top Forty, Romantic, Salsa or whatever your favorite style comes from your heart or the spirit inside you! Just like your choices of what you desire to listen to may change based on your mood or desire at the moment! I thank everyone who has expressed an interest in my music. I have loved music and singing and many forms of music that speak to my emotions and spirit! i grew up loving some of the great crooners and Lady wonders! I was born in the early 50's and have seen many style changes through the years! Not all were my favorites! I mostly singing Love songs to my Lady Janey and to My Lord and Savior who has been good to me since I was small! It brought me and my family through the death of my beloved sister due to Leukemia when I was 4 and the birth and eventual death of my other sister when I was 6 and her death last January! He reminds me that there is so much more in life than bginings and endings! I wish for all of you the Joy of living in the moment and not just in the past and future! Get the most out of it by realising you are alive and you have so many choices to live in goodness and joy and not in sadness and doubt! When you come face to face with sickness, danger, sorrow or great grace and prosperity, walk in that moment knowing that you are special and entity all of your own, let no one destroy you hope or faith in what is good ard right and brings us closer to doing the right thing for you! As long as what is right or left is the best for you Spiritually and Physically! Remember nothing Good in this world comes from hating others, but from following God's best plan for your God given talents and temperament! May you be blessed and find those who complete the you, you are supposed to Be! Be the best you you can be, and give our creator the benifit of the doubt, as you should do your parents, and family! Make peace out of cahos, joy out of sadness, and remember God and I always Love you reguardless of where you are in life now! Whith His help you can turn any cirmstance around, I know I have done it!





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