John E Ross
5 years ago

Holliday Greetings, To Everyone!!!

Hello everyone,I pray that all of you will have a Blessed Holliday Season, for you that are not aware all music is available on all digital stores, such as CD Baby, Spotify, Amazon, Apple Etc we appreciate your support , The Latest News is The Let's Talk To The Lord Gospel Radio Talk Show A Awards Winning Podcast ,The Lord Asked me To begin is growing strong. You can download and listen to every Episode on Spreaker.com , IHeartRadio, Spotify, YouTube, and Facebook!!!!!! Please check us out. We have finally completed OUR WEBSITE https://letstalktothelordradio.international check Us out the Radio Station we just began is available in the website and our MUSIC video's etc please visit us!!! We have also added, a App please, go to your Google App play store search for Let's Talk To The Lord Radio and Please DOWNLOAD our AP, on The Ap is the Radio Station,Store to purchase Music, The Website, etc it's cool!!!! , You can also access your Facebook and Twitter!!!! We Appreciate your support,New music will becoming sorry for the Delays but keep me in Prayer, I have had several challenges and A very Serious Medical Emergency, That almost Killed me but God Intervened and I am yet a Living Miracle, Thank You Jesus!!!! If anyone is taking the drug lysinopryl please be careful, see your Doctor for change options, I had a allergic reaction that almost killed me, So just a Friendly Warning to alll. I love You and Jesus Loves You more.He is the reason for the Season Amen!!!!





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