Gypsies on Parade

It's Never Too Late - John Martin

Song Reviews

Gypsies on Parade


I had never heard this one before. It is a well written song. It really does have that Sawyer Brown feel. Makes me miss when country was country. Great job and thank you for keeping the root alive.

United States, South Carolina, Rock Hill

John martin


Hi. Like your music. You have a lot of talent. Sobgwriting is absolutely faboulous, your voice is good, but does need a bit of improvement vocals. Keep it up your doing well. How about trying anerica got talent. Do you sing in clubs and pubs in usa. Wish you all the best with your music.

United Kingdom, London

Slow de doe de doe


Mellow. That's fer sure. I am a Gypsy. Been on the Road playing music all over the Country. So, I can relate. Liked the harmonica. Could use some more backing vocals. But, I loves loots of Vocals . Nice

United States, Illinois, QCs

Sounds of yesterday


Very well done ma.....oh boy you sound like elvis Wich is cool I liked this song being an elvis fan I could hear a bit of how it would sound if elvis did it nicely done and very well executed and good choice in song cheers

Canada, Quebec, Montreal

Gypsy Loving Country


Old Sawyer Brown fave cleanly delivered by Mr. JM. The slightly different chordal touches and bits of orchestration in sections of the song makes for an interesting contrast set against the more traditional instruments. I'm sure the Browns would enjoy it.

Spain, Algeciras



Great job Martin - like what you've done with the cover. Where are you from? Wishing you the best of luck with all your music in the future and I hope we can spread each others song on this site!

United Kingdom, London



It's a song about none other but a traveling band. It's called Gypsies on Parade. The gist of the story line is as the band travels on tour they adorn themselves in glitzy show business apparel and as they continue touring tend to resemble a group of glitzy gypsies. You will have yo listen to the song to get the rest of the story. I liked the idea of the song and the song itself. The melody is easy to listen to and the music track is appropriately arranged for a soft moody delivery. John has a good voice for this type song and presented a solid vocal. I would like to have heard the vocal however with less effects added. The reverb seems to be a little too much because it pushes his voice into the music track and it is difficult to hear the lyrics at times. Doing this in my opinion would have made for a better vocal delivery and featured it where it deserves to be. I think you will enjoy this production and hopefully John will be able to remix the vocal to brighten it and put up front where it belongs.

United Kingdom, London

Quality personified


Now this is a real lived in country voice with quality and expertise shining through, wonderful sounds throughout. Congratulations John Martin - a true trouper of good old homespun country music. Areal pleasure listening to your song - regards from Johnny Ramone of Angel International Management UK division.

United Kingdom, EXETER

Gypsies on Parade

Hi John, The acoustic intro to me was just a touch weak. Your vocals are excellent, the overall music is really nice to listen to. I really like the lyrics, kinda brings you right into the story line. Maybe just tweak your vocals just a bit on the mix, maybe just a little too bassy, but could be my computer speakers. Overall I think you did a fantastic job recording this song. This could be a big hit for you, Musically Yours, Guy Leroux

Canada, Ontario, Deep River

Gypsies on parade

The singer sings in a comforting and clear tone. I enjoyed the melody, but the arrangement and lyrics failed to really grab my attention and draw me in. I guess the music somehow doesn't fit the subject matter. I don't really believe the singer was in a rock and roll band where people would stare at first sight.

Canada, Alberta, Edmonton

Old school charm


John's voice is comforting and appropriate. Good choice for a cover! It's really all about the voice - instrumentation is under-played. Good harmonica work. There are even some strings. Why the fade at the end...?

United States, California, Freestone

A Touch of "Vern"


This is very good. Your voice reminds me of Vern Gosdin. Not quite as polished but very good indeed. Very familiar with Sawyer Brown and I play some of their songs myself. Nicely done. Instrumentation is very good. Mix is excellent. Voice stands out over the strings nicely. Nothing here not to like. If I had to be ultra-critical, I guess I might fault the dynamics a bit. The sound seemed to drift away at times and then come back strongly. Could just be on my end as we are streaming these via number one music and the quality may be effected. Easy listening songs like this are mainstream to many listeners. Keep up the good work. Nicely done!

United States, Tennessee, Pulaski

Not Radio-Ready1967


This is obviously a rough demo done on a home setup. The song itself could be stronger, hook-wise, melodically and musically. The reverb wash over the mix is overwhelmingly distracting. I had being so critical, but I have to say what and I have to be honest in my opinions. The singer might have been popular if it was San Francisco around 1967, but his voice doesn't really suit my taste. Sorry for being brutal in my assessment.

United States, Tennessee, Nashville

Gypsies On Parade


John Martin has recorded a song by Mark Miller of the Sawyer Brown Band. It's a song about none other but a traveling band. It's called Gypsies on Parade. The gist of the story line is as the band travels on tour they adorn themselves in glitzy show business apparel and as they continue touring tend to resemble a group of glitzy gypsies. You will have yo listen to the song to get the rest of the story. I liked the idea of the song and the song itself. The melody is easy to listen to and the music track is appropriately arranged for a soft moody delivery. John has a good voice for this type song and presented a solid vocal. I would like to have heard the vocal however with less effects added. The reverb seems to be a little too much because it pushes his voice into the music track and it is difficult to hear the lyrics at times. Doing this in my opinion would have made for a better vocal delivery and featured it where it deserves to be. I think you will enjoy this production and hopefully John will be able to remix the vocal to brighten it and put up front where it belongs. Nice job John.

Turkey, Texas, Allen



im back and saw your great song country , folk i so love it i will share arround u doing very good job make pround of it , God will bless you more than and give you more inspiration , all track from you i so love it and i cant stop listen it always

United States, Illinois, RUSHVILLE

Nice song


I listened to Gypsies on Parade. It's got a nice feel. I like the harmonica. The melody makes me want to sit back and close my eyes and just drift away. Add a female voice, harmonizing and I think it would be a really good one.

United States, Montana, Great Falls

Excellent Songwriting!!

I don't get a chance to stop by much ... I'm usually playing little shows here in Arizona, but when I do get the chance I am always amazed at the quality of the songs I hear .. this one is especially well written, great lyrics .. a real pleasure hearing your music John Martin ... rayski

United States, Arizona, Golden Valley, Az.





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