Here is my album. I am making 50 physical CD copies and giving them out for free to anyone who wants one, just let me know. The first one is Melissa’s. Or download free on johnhansonproject dot bandcamp , and it’s also streaming everywhere, including YouTube.
I wrote many of these songs during 2020 and they are about what the world was going through, as well as the personal changes I’ve been going through, getting married, being in love, renewing personal philosophies and the follies of daily life. I wanted to create the entire album at my home studio using only my low-grade set-up and limited knowledge, intending that the limitations in both would ideally require me to push the creative boundaries of the music further.… one thing that happened for sure is I was forced to learn more guitar (essentially the major scale), poked about the k-oscilator finally, and (on the negative side) reached limit for repetitions of listening to the same songs over and over during painful mixing sessions that lasted months. Well I reached my capacity, and this is the end result. This album is dedicated to Melissa my wife, and our (to be born soon) son. Thank you both for giving my life so much meaning.
(expired link)
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