JonahSin / Members
Actor Songwriter Tv Show Hosting VocalistJonahSin is a Canadian recording artist/singer/song-writer, born in Edmonton, Alberta. Currently with numerous singles out, released in 2012 and one released in 2013 and with his first official studio album releasing in 2013, Jonah is definitely one to watch out for. In 2012 JonahSin released his first single "DANCE" in March of 2012, this up beat dance song is available only as a live version and will not be included in his album which will be available in 2013. "Dance" was originally off Jonah's very first album which was titled "Dance". All song's off this album were recorded live. Later in 2012 Jonah released his first studio single called "Monster House (Scream & Shout)" which was released on December 12th, 2012. Monster House helped shoot Jonah up the Pop charts and has not stopped climbing. Shortly after releasing "Monster House (Scream & Shout)" Jonah released his second studio single called "Should I Stay Or Should I Go" on January 13th, 2013. Fall of 2013 JonahSin released his new album "VEVA" which will include the singles "Monster House and Should I Stay Or Should I Go". "VEVA" was released on October 15th 2013, and can be found at all major music stores, (ex; ITunes, Amazon MP3) After the release of #VEVA Jonah took to the road and did the VEVA Tour 2014, the tour went from February 15th to July 12th. During the tour Jonah began to work on his next album for 2014. On April 7th of 2014, JonahSin will be releasing his first single of the year titled "WHITE FLAG". A few months after releasing the hit song "White Flag", Jonah recorded a Song from his Idol "CHER" titled "Woman's World [Official 2014 Cher Cover]". The Song was released on July 30th, 2014. In August of 2014, Jonah released his second single of 2014 other then his Cher Cover. The single was titled "We Are The Young One's", the song is a through back to youth and being young and free. WATYO's is the opposite of Jonah's first single for 2014, and became classified as bubble gum pop or teen pop. On August 16th of 2014 JonahSin broke to social media, announcing his new album "SIN." will be coming out in the fall of the same year. Releasing with the news was a promo picture for the album, JonahSin is now sporting a Leopard print tattoo [fake] on the right side of his forehead going downwards past his eye.