Gofundme account
Hello my name is Justin. I am an aspiring artist hailing from Tennessee. Music has been my life every since I can remember. To create something out of thin air using nothing more than instruments, differnt sounds, and personal perspectives has always been a dream of mine. Its has not been easy. In fact, it has been one of the most difficult and trying task i have ever embarked upon but I held on with unwaivering faith that i would be given the opportunity to display my craft. I was rescued for a lack of better words from MUSICAL LIMBO and was able to secure a distribution deal. Hence Just"n"Tyme was born. Met a lot of great people along the way as well as making great music which is always fun. The catch is by me being an indie artist I dont have the financial backing as an artist signed with a major label. I've spent countless amounts of money in the pursuit of my dream. From recording, to travel, the technical aspect of everything( mixing, mastering, copyrights etc). The bright side is I have created a catolog that I can be proud of but that is only half of the battle. I need help your help getting it to the masses. Thus is the reason I've decided to create this account. The $5,000 dollars would fund my radio campaign getting my music to 6,000 radio stations around the world solidifying me as a true artist. All of the trails and tribulations; the ups-&-downs would have been worth it if i can accomplish this task. The sooner I meet my goals with this account the sooner i can touch lives and make a difference. This means the world to me because I would have the opportunity to affect people's lives directly and indirectly through my hard work, dedication, and drive. BUT IT ALL START WITH YOU!!!!
Here is the link: https:/www.Gofundme.com/25u878k
Enternally Grateful