
Shooting a video for a brand new song this weekend!!!! "FLOWER'

I will be filming a video this weekend for an unreleased new song "FLOWER". My schedule and life in general has been all over the place!! My Nana had a stroke and is currently in rehab!! I've been definitely working on new music to share with you guys!!! If you haven't listened to the full prequel visit my soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/slim_paradise/sets/the-prequel-to-paradise !!!!! I also finally have a spinrilla they approved me 3 months LATER!! lol You can also listen to the Prequel there : https://www.spinrilla.com/artists/SlimParadise And here's a snippet of FLOWER!!! ---> https://instagram.com/p/BFr1ZnPHbfj/ Enjoy and i'm sorry im keeping you guys waiting so long!! ALSO if you have a SnapChat follow me i sing all day LIVE!! @Tinosteez i love you guys so much!!!





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