Turn to Music
Hello Everybody,
I hope everyone is staying safe! Lives have been lost, careers lost or put on hold, but we will survive this! Until then, I hope you can use this time to be thankful and enjoy the simpler things in life. I turn to music and I hope you you turn to mine when you do the same. Here's a video my latest collaboration with some players in Europe. It's call "Cool It". "Shut the world out....Cool it"
My site has been updated at katorlando.com too. Many shows were cancelled but once again, between my band and duo, I'm trying to keep it going. I wasn't quite ready to retire! I do enjoy my kayaking, rollerblading and biking time. Also trying to stay up on my graphics work when I can get it. See https://katorlando.wixsite.com/katolist
I do sell my complete CDs at katorlando.com. You can get one by contacting katorlando@hotmail.com or purchase the digital at bandcamp, stream on Spotify. Thanks again for your support. I hope to get back into the studio soon.