"Yet You Draw Close To me ..."( Peters' song )
Song Reviews
Yet You Draw Close to Me...
This song will touch the hearts of the worshippers who sing it. Just as it touched my heart, calling to mind the humility of Our Saviour King who died for me and all humanity in such a way to bring us into His Family. The litany of words behind the backup Vocalist's is a bit distracting and detracts from the full impact of the musical accompaniment, however, that is just my opinion. I would insert these spoken words at the end and beginning for greater impact. The gentle keyboard accompaniment is well suited to this praise song. I think the percussion could be a bit more pronounced, however, it fits well in it's current form. Excellent worship that brings the listener to the secret place in the heart where we give Jesus Abundant Entrance. It is all about the emotion and this is well deserving of 5 stars.
United Kingdom, Tintern
God Is Worthy
At times we fall short but I praise God for his grace which we don't deserve I really appreciate music like this God love us so much keep on blessing us with real music the word is so powerful you blessed me on today to remind me and others that we don't deserve His Mercy and Grace yet He is still faithful and just to forgive us of all of our sins be blessed and enjoy your weekend and God bless you in all your endeavors.
United States, California, Every Where
Hello from Jerzy...
Very Interesting Recording.. my guess is was done as a life performance and background was add later...I hear some mistakes but I do not see any problem to rerecord it.. and make it Better....I like it a LOT... Jerzy...
United States, California, Los Angeles
Vocals need more power behind them.
Interesting intro. You might try editing out the dead space prior to the beginning. I have a feeling your voices are better than this recording. It sounds like you are singing tentatively. When you really sing like you have some confidence, it's not bad, but the soft places are pitchy and lack professionalism. When singing soft, there has to be even more power behind the sound to keep it on pitch and to make it sound like you're more than an amatuer. The song itself is pretty good. I'm not crazy about all the spoken word through the whole song. I like that in a church service, but not a recording. Although you could probably leave them in the last chorus that keeps repeating, but save them till the end so it's not old by the time you get there.
United States, Ohio, Steubenville
Yet you draw close to me review
I like the conversational nature of this song, the harmonies are good. The start and also right through, In my opinion could do with a little more music it could have a bit more I was waiting for some brass or something. but then again its different and well worth a listen because there is worthy lyrics in this song. Some extra padding please... thanks for sharing Peter's Song
United Kingdom, Southampton
Very soothing song
Nice lyrics, and very peaceful melody. Harmony is good. Has the feeling of knowing that we don't deserve God's love, yet He chooses to love us in spite of our weaknesses and shortcomings. The harmony could be tighter, but the rap part is unique. I think that you have made a good worship and praise song unto the Lord. Make the harmony tighter and more defined. And possibly make the verses longer. But keep on doing this work for God, remembering that He alone is always worthy of all of the Glory and Honor. Keep up the good work!
United States, Louisiana, Morgan City
lets do this
i really like the layering on the vocals. Keys are nice, soothing. Great arrangement. Guy that singing shows up with some soul. the lyrics are a little redundant. would be nice if you added another verse or maybe a bridge. just my thoughts. thanks
United States, Texas, Ft Worth
I really like the idea behind "Yet you draw close to me". I was a little confused with all the talking at the beginning but like the heart and message behind the song. I feel a better mix would've done wonders for the song.
United States, Texas, Cedar Hill
Yet you draw close to Me review
Like the effect of the talking at the beginning, nice feel and spirit to this song. The vocals have a lot of feeling and are reminiscent of some earlier gospel music. At times they get a bit overpowering with the talking tracks and and harmonies. Correcting some of the timing might make them sound a bit more cohesive or thin then out with eq a bit. I listened on my iPhone so that might not be the best speakers for this song but so many of of do that these days : ) love the message and the soul of the song keep up the good work! Best Jim
United States, Florida, West Palm Beach
Some one Close
As the title sounds, so is with the tunes. For some one who needs comfort and a moment of peace of mind after a heavy day's work or a long journey, then this is the song to use this evening. The structuring was goodand in my view, music is pleasing sound and i have found this pleasing sound with great harmony between the instruments and vocals. Greetings from Kampala, Uganda
Uganda, Kampala