Kenny Bryant
9 years ago

Let me welcome you to "EAZY WORLD ENTERTAINMENT!"

First thing's first (Creatively Retarded Minds) I love my whole team there is so much talent in my network and I'd just like to share it A Cincinnati, Ohio based Hip Hop Collective spanning across the local Hip Hop scene i.e (Myself) Kenny Bryant, Young Drapa, Hapless, Edie Bates, Peer Presha, Joey Mack and more! I can't yet speak for the whole team but things are only getting bigger and better and breaking the holding cell of only playing shows in my local area. I (Kenny Bryant) Joined with all available artists of Eazy World. The first link is a FREE copy of Young Drapa's 6 song EP "From Prison Cells To Fish Scales" ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** THE SONG "I'LL QUIT SMOKING IS BEING REMASTERED FOR THE RELEASE OF MY HOMIE'S AND MY DEBUT MUSIC VIDEO FEATURING HAPLESS. (FILMED BY: EDIE BATES) VIDEO TO BE RELEASED AT PREVIOUSLY SET DATE OF 4/20/2015 @ 4:20PM EST! STAY CLASSY - Kenny Bryant Eazy World 2015 YOUNG DRAPA: https://www.facebook.com/montana.love.56?ref=br_rs http://www.datpiff.com/Young-Drapa-From-Prison-Cells-To-Fish-Scales-mixtape.659725.html KENNY BRYANT: https://twitter.com/KennyBMusic http://www.reverbnation.com/control_room/artist/3103341/dashboard http://www.soundcloud.com/iamkenny_b https://www.facebook.com/youngnatimusic?ref=bookmarks PEER PRESHA: https://twitter.com/XanderKatz https://www.facebook.com/xanderkatz https://soundcloud.com/peerpresha JOEY MACK: https://www.facebook.com/bmgjoeymack513 https://soundcloud.com/joeymackmusic https://www.youtube.com/user/SimplySwagTV EDIE BATES: https://twitter.com/allstarbates https://www.facebook.com/michaelallstar.bates https://soundcloud.com/michael-bates-3 HAPLESS: https://twitter.com/Hapless513 https://www.facebook.com/jbluckett https://soundcloud.com/hapless_ez C.R.M PRODUCTIONS: http://www.reverbnation.com/creativelyretardedminds https://soundcloud.com/creatively-retarded-minds EAZY WORLD ENTERTAINMENT: https://www.youtube.com/user/ezjluck https://www.facebook.com/eazyworldentertainment BROUGHT TO YOU BY: NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH WORLDWIDE (NHWWW): https://twitter.com/jphlamz https://twitter.com/NHWWW https://www.youtube.com/user/NHWWW https://www.facebook.com/NeighborhoodWatchWorldWide





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